.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _admin-manual: Administrator Manual ==================== Target group: **Administrators** You can adust backend login interface appearance by configuring the global extension. - In TYPO3 V7 or V8 : Admin Tools > Extensions Manager > Pages Tree Icons (rt_pages_tree_icons) > Cog configuration icon. - In TYPO3 V9 : Admin Tools > Settings module > Configure extension > rt_pages_tree_icons. Here, you can : - Enable changing page tree icons when editing page properties (Need to flush system cache), - Enable changing opacity of the TYPO3 backend login form background (Need to flush system cache), - Change the opacity value of the TYPO3 backend login form background (Need to flush system cache), - Use random images from Unsplash [https://source.unsplash.com/random] for backend login background. .. figure:: ../Images/extension_configuration_features.png :width: 987px :alt: Extension configuration enabling changing page tree icons when editing page properties Enabling changing page tree icons when editing page properties. .. figure:: ../Images/extension_configuration_login_options.png :width: 987px :alt: Extension configuration login options Configuring backend login interface. The extension also provides a set of avatars icons for backend users accounts. .. figure:: ../Images/avatars.png :width: 987px :alt: Avatars During extension installation, Avatars icons are copied in /fileadmin/rt_pages_tree_icons/avatars. .. figure:: ../Images/fileadmin.png :width: 761px :alt: Avatars