This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Demo default configuration

This default configuration sets Page TSconfig and User TSconfig with as many features as possible for users who want to explore the features of the RTE. This is not recommended for production environments.

The following is inserted in Page TSconfig:

## Define labels and styles to be applied to class selectors in the interface of the RTE

## Partial re-use of color scheme and frame scheme from CSS Styled Content extension

RTE.classes {
        align-left {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/locallang_tooltips.xml:justifyleft
                value = text-align: left;
        align-center {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/locallang_tooltips.xml:justifycenter
                value = text-align: center;
        align-right {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/locallang_tooltips.xml:justifyright
                value = text-align: right;
        csc-frame-frame1 {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:frame-frame1
                value = background-color: #EDEBF1; border: 1px solid #333333;
        csc-frame-frame2 {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:frame-frame2
                value = background-color: #F5FFAA; border: 1px solid #333333;
        important {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:important
                value = color: #8A0020;
        name-of-person {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:name-of-person
                value = color: #10007B;
        detail {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:detail
                value = color: #186900;
        component-items {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:component-items
                value = color: #186900;
        action-items {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:action-items
                value = color: #8A0020;
        component-items-ordered {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:component-items
                value = color: #186900;
        action-items-ordered {
                name = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/contentcss/locallang.xml:action-items
                value = color: #8A0020;

## Anchor classes configuration for use by the anchor accessibility feature

RTE.classesAnchor {
        externalLink {
                class = external-link
                type = url
                image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/external_link.gif
                altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_altText
                titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_titleText
        externalLinkInNewWindow {
                class = external-link-new-window
                type = url
                image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/external_link_new_window.gif
                altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_new_window_altText
                titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:external_link_new_window_titleText
        internalLink {
                class = internal-link
                type = page
                image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/internal_link.gif
                altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_altText
                titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_titleText
        internalLinkInNewWindow {
                class = internal-link-new-window
                type = page
                image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/internal_link_new_window.gif
                altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_new_window_altText
                titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:internal_link_new_window_titleText
        download {
                class = download
                type = file
                image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/download.gif
                altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:download_altText
                titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:download_titleText
        mail {
                class = mail
                type = mail
                image = EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/img/mail.gif
                altText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:mail_altText
                titleText = LLL:EXT:rtehtmlarea/res/accessibilityicons/locallang.xml:mail_titleText

## Default RTE configuration

RTE.default {

## Markup options

enableWordClean = 1
removeTrailingBR = 1
removeComments = 1
removeTags = center, o:p, sdfield
removeTagsAndContents = link, meta, script, style, title

## Allow img tags

proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags.img >

## Allow style attributes on p and span tags

proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags {
        p.allowedAttribs := addToList(style) >

## Toolbar options

showButtons = *

## More toolbar options

keepButtonGroupTogether = 1

## Enable status bar

showStatusBar = 1


## For this demo, do not remove font, strike and u tags

proc.entryHTMLparser_db.removeTags := removeFromList(font,strike,u)

## List all class selectors that are allowed on the way to the database

proc.allowedClasses = external-link, external-link-new-window, internal-link, internal-link-new-window, download, mail
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(align-left, align-center, align-right, align-justify)
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(csc-frame-frame1, csc-frame-frame2)
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(component-items, action-items)
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(component-items-ordered, action-items-ordered)
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(important, name-of-person, detail)
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(indent)

## Restrict the list of class selectors presented by the RTE to the following for the specified tags:

buttons.blockstyle.tags.div.allowedClasses = align-left, align-center, align-right
buttons.blockstyle.tags.div.allowedClasses := addToList(csc-frame-frame1, csc-frame-frame2)
buttons.blockstyle.tags.table.allowedClasses = csc-frame-frame1, csc-frame-frame2 = align-left, align-center, align-right
buttons.textstyle.tags.span.allowedClasses = important, name-of-person, detail

## Configuration of classes for links

## These classes should also be in the list proc.allowedClasses = external-link, external-link-new-window, internal-link, internal-link-new-window, download, mail = internal-link = external-link-new-window = download = mail

## Show all applicable class selectors available in the style sheet file

buttons.blockstyle.showTagFreeClasses = 1
buttons.textstyle.showTagFreeClasses = 1

## Configuration specific to the table button or TableOperations feature

## Use the context menu instead of the toolbar for table operations, but keep toggleborders button in toolbar

## Show borders on table creation

hideTableOperationsInToolbar = 1
buttons.toggleborders.keepInToolbar = 1
buttons.toggleborders.setOnTableCreation = 1

## Configuration specific to the inserttag button or QuickTag feature

## Do not allow insertion of the following tags

buttons.inserttag.denyTags = font, underline, strike, table

## Configuration specific to the bold and italic buttons

## Add hotkeys associated with bold, italic, strikethrough and underline buttons

buttons.bold.hotKey = b
buttons.italic.hotKey = i
buttons.strikethrough.hotKey = s
buttons.underline.hotkey = u

## Configuration specific to the spellcheck button or SpellCheck feature

## Enable the use of personal dictionaries

buttons.spellcheck.enablePersonalDictionaries = 1

## Configuration of microdata schema

   schema {
                sources {
                        schemaOrg = EXT:rtehtmlarea/extensions/MicrodataSchema/res/schemaOrgAll.rdf

## Use same processing as on entry to database to clean content pasted into the editor

RTE.default.enableWordClean.HTMLparser < RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db

## front end RTE configuration

RTE.default.FE < RTE.default
RTE.default.FE.userElements >
RTE.default.FE.userLinks >

## tt_content TCEFORM configuration

## Let use all the space available for more comfort.

TCEFORM.tt_content.bodytext.RTEfullScreenWidth = 100%

The following is inserted in User TSconfig:

## Enable the RTE by default for all users

setup.default.edit_RTE = 1

## Enable the file upload feature of the element browser by default for all users

options.uploadFieldsInTopOfEB = 1

## Set the default spelling ability of the check speller for all users

options.HTMLAreaPspellMode = bad-spellers

## Enable the personal dictionary feature of the check speller by default for all users

options.enablePersonalDicts = 1