.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Generating extensions for SAV Library Plus or SAV Libray Mvc ------------------------------------------------------------ In the following, this tutorial details the first steps used to create from scratch the extension "sav\_library\_example0". .. warning:: Do not forget to provide a **vendor name** which will be used in namespaces (see https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/Namespaces/Index.html). .. important:: Since the Library Type is set to "Plus" this test extension requires the SAV Library Plus extension to be downloaded from the TER and installed. .. caution:: If you want to test the extension with the SAV Library Mvc, set the Lybrary type to "Mvc", download the SAV Livbrary Mvc from the TER and install it. .. tip:: Test extensions implementing many features are available in the TER: - `sav_library_example0 `_ to be used with SAV Library Plus. - `sav_librarymvc_example0 `_ to be used with SAV Library Mvc. Fill the form and click on the "Save" button. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterExtensionConfiguration.png The version 0.0.0 of the extension “sav\_library\_example0” is now created and a redirection to the “Extension Configuration” form. A menu is available on the left hand side. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterExtensionConfigurationSection.png Two types of menu item are displayed : menu items with edit icon (paintbrush icon) and menu items with new icon (cross icon). The former opens directly the requested item either by clicking on the icon or the title (e.g. “Extension Configuration”). The latter creates a sub-item by clicking on the icon. By default, the sub-item title is “New”. Click on the cross icon of the "New tables" section, enter a name and a title for the table, change the flags if necessary and **save**. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewTable.png Add the table fields by clicking on the cross icon at the right of the fields overview. By default, the field name and title are set to “New”. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewField.png If you have several field, in order to fasten the process, you may click several times on cross icon to add the fields. Each field can be selected ,edited, moved up or down and deleted using the icons. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingSeveralFields.png Click on the “Show all fields” button to set the field names, titles and types, then **save** . .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterNewFieldsFilled.png To create the views, click on the new icon of the “Views” menu item. Provide a name and select the type of the view (List, Single, Edit, Special) and **save** . .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewView.png After saving, displayed information will depend on the selected type. In general, three views are required for one form. A list view, a single view and an edit view. For the list view, an item template is required. It contains the HTML code which will be used to display each item of the list. Markers will be replaced by their values. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterListView.png Do the same for the single and edit view. You can use the same name for your view since colors are used to differentiate between them. Single and edit views may contain folders to present the data as explained later. In this example, two folders are introduced in the single view. Click on the new folder icon to add a folder. Each folder can be moved up, moved down or deleted using the icons at the right hand side of the label definition. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewFolder.png Now, create a new query. Replace the default name and save. Once again, you may use the same name as for the views. By default, the main table will be set to the first table you have defined. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewQuery.png Create a new form, select the list, single, edit views and the query and **save** . .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterAddingANewForm.png The last step is to define with fields should be displayed in the views. Edit the table by clicking on “Table 1” in the left hand side menu. In the fields overview section, each view is associated with a folder tab. Select the fields that must be displayed using the checkbox and **save** . For the list view, the items associated with the markers used in the item template must be selected. Save the selection. The selected items are displayed in the color of the view, that is in red for the list view. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterListViewFieldsConfiguration.png Click on the green folder tab to select the single view. Select the fields you want to display and their associated folder if any the **save** . .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterSingleViewFieldsConfiguration.png By clicking on a folder, you will see the fields in it which can be edited, moved up and down or deleted. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterSingleViewFieldsConfigurationInAFolder.png Let us note that if you click on the field name, it gives access to the field configuration as shown below. In this example, “field2” will be displayed. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterField2FieldConfiguration.png Add labels for the each checkbox in field3 by clicking on the cross icon as shown below. It is easier to first add the label fields by clicking three times on the cross icon and then to fill them before saving. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterField3FieldConfiguration.png Now click on the blue folder tab to select the edit view. Select the field you want to display. Let us recall that there is no folder associated with this view. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterEditViewFieldsConfiguration.png The final step is to generate the extension by clicking on the “Generate” button. After the processing, the SQL statement to create the table is displayed. Click on “Make updates” to complete the generation of the extension. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterSQL.png Installing the extension ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Click on the “SAV Kickstarter” item in the “Admin tools” menu to display the extension list and click on the “Install” icon as shown below to install it. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterInstallingTheExtension.png Create a page and insert a plugin content element and select “SAV Library Example0” in the plugin selector. The configuration of the plugin is performed by means of a flexform which comes with default values. Just select your form name, that is “Test” in the “Select form” selector, save your content element and clear the cache. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialExtensionFlexform.png Go to your page in Front End and you should see the following caption. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialEmptyListView.png Now, log yourself as a frontend user and reload your page. You should now see the toggle icon to enter in edit mode. Click on it. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialEmptyListViewAuthenticated.png A new icon appears at the left hand side of the form. Click on it to add a new item. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialEmptyListViewInEditMode.png Input the data and save using the icons in the title bar. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialEditView.png For example, if you click on the “Save and close” icon, you will be redirected to the list view, where the two fields (field1 and field4) are displayed according to the template item. You can add a new record, edit or delete the previous one or leave the edit mode by clicking on the different icons. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialListViewInEditMode.png Generally, you will want to display the single view associated with a given item by clicking on a link. Let us assume that, in our example, this link should be “First record” in the previous caption. This will be done with a simple configuration associated with “field1” in the list view. Edit the extension with the SAV Library Kickstarter, click on the “Table 1” item, select the list view and click on “field1”. In the configuration text area, type “func = makeItemLink;”, then click on “Generate”. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialKickstarterField1FieldConfiguration.png Go in the Front End and reload your page. Now, a link is associated with “First record”. The “enter in edit mode” icon will be displayed as long as you are logged as a Front End user. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialListViewWithItemLink.png Click on the link to open the single view. As you can see, the items are organized with our three folder tabs. The “edit” icon on the left hand side will be displayed as long as you are logged as a Front End user. By clicking on it, you will enter in the edit view. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialSingleViewFirstFolder.png Click on a folder tab to change the view. .. figure:: ../../Images/TutorialSingleViewThirdFolder.png More information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please read the reference section for the field configuration (remember that a context sensitive help is also available for each field in the SAV Library Kickstarter). The tutorials section in the SAV Library Plus documentation provides also several examples.