.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) FE input events (Admin) ----------------------- If you have followed the previous tutorials, you are now familiar with the SAV Library Extension Generator. The “Admin” form has three views: “Admin\_List”, “Admin\_Single” and “Admin\_Edit”. #. Download the extension “sav\_library\_example9” from the TER and open it in the Kickstarter. #. Look at each folder tab and analyze the configuration of each field. #. Create a page and a sysfolder as shown below. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9FileAdmin.png - Insert the extension in the page “Admin” and configure the “Storage page” in the “Advanced tab” so that it points to the sysfolder (“Events” in the example). .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9AdminFlexform.png - In the List mode (Web->List), create the categories and the periods in the sysfolder. Use color names recognized by JpGraph library. In this example, the year events are organized by quarters. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9EventCategory.png .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9EventPeriod.png - Go to the Front End and insert events. Events are displayed in the “List” view by decreasing order of the begin date (see the “Order clause” in the “Admin\_Query”). .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9AdminEditView.png .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9AdminListView.png