.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Changing the date picker default configurations ----------------------------------------------- Style sheet ^^^^^^^^^^^ There are several style sheets provided with the date picker. The default CSS is “calendar-win2k-2.css”. You can change the default CSS at the extension level or library level by using the following TypoScript configuration: :: plugin.tx_yourExtensionNameWithoutUnderscores_pi1. datePicker.stylesheet = yourFormat plugin.tx_savlibraryplus.datePicker.stylesheet = yourStyleSheet For example: :: plugin.tx_savlibraryplus.datePicker.stylesheet = EXT:sav_library_plus/Classes/DatePicker/css/calendar-tas.css Tool tip and tile bar formats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The date format of the tool tip (footer bar of the date picker) or the title bar can be changed at the extension or library level by the following TypoScript configuration: :: plugin.tx_yourExtensionNameWithoutUnderscores_pi1.datePicker.format.toolTipDate = yourFormat plugin.tx_savlibraryplus.datePicker.format.toolTipDate = yourFormat plugin.tx_yourExtensionNameWithoutUnderscores_pi1.datePicker.format.titleBarDate = yourFormat plugin.tx_savlibraryplus.datePicker.format.titleBarDate = yourFormat Default values for the title bar is “%B, %Y” and depends on the language for the tool tip (see the variable Calendar.\_TT[“TT\_DATE\_FORMAT”] in files in the directory “Classes/DatePicker/lang”).