.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Gantt graphs display (Display) ------------------------------ The “Display” form has only one view: “Display\_List”. This view displays only one field named “graph”. Its configuration is the following: .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9KickstarterGraphField.png The fields with a type Graph are not created in the database. They are displayed in the view if selected. The configuration includes several lines: :: graphTemplate = typo3/ext/sav\_library\_example9/Resources/Private/Files/events.xml; It defines the file to be used as a template for the graph display. :: markers = marker#begin = ###beginPeriod###, marker#end = ###endPeriod###; This attribute is used to define XML SAV JpGraph markers. The syntax is a comma-separated list of definitions. Let us analyze the first one: “marker#begin = ###beginPeriod###”. It says that the “marker” whose id is “begin” in the template will be replace by the SAV Library marker “###beginPeriod###”, that is by the alias “beginPeriod”. Thus it is necessary for this alias to be defined as shown in the query section of the form. Now, download the extension “sav\_jpgraph” from the TER and install it. Then, install the extension in the page where you want to display the graph. - In page properties, set the General Record Storage Page to the sysfolder containing your events. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9GeneralRecordStoragePage.png - In the folder tab “Input controls”, uncheck “Input on form”. - Save and go to your Front End page. You should obtain something similar to the following view, depending on your events. .. figure:: ../../Images/Tutorial9GraphListView.png - Finally, open the files “events.xml” and “eventsTemplate.xml” in the directory “Resources/Private/Files” of the extension and analyze them. The file “eventsTemplate.xml” is the general template for the graph display (see the extension “sav\_jpgraph” for more details). The file “events.xml” contains the user definitions for the references used in the general template. The only tricky part is the use of the SQL variable @row to number the position of the bar plots.