.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _changelog: ChangeLog ========= scheduler_http 1.3.5, 2018-04-20 -------------------------------- - Add whitespace to command line parameter to fix compatibility issues. scheduler_http 1.3.4, 2017-09-23 -------------------------------- - Update documentation. - Add LICENSE file. - Compatibility with TYPO3 8.7. scheduler_http 1.3.3, 2016-07-21 -------------------------------- - Added access token. - Added composer.json. - Updated version requirements for compatibility with TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS. - Code clean-up. scheduler_http 1.3.2, 2015-03-04 -------------------------------- - More granular access list. scheduler_http 1.3.1, 2015-03-04 -------------------------------- - Added access list. - Code clean-up. scheduler_http 1.3.0, 2015-03-04 -------------------------------- - Use namespaces for native compatibility with TYPO3 CMS 6.2+. - Added possibility to (force) execute task by id. scheduler_http 1.2.1, 2013-05-18 -------------------------------- - Display parameter "URL" as additional information in scheduled tasks list. scheduler_http 1.2.0, 2013-02-12 -------------------------------- - Added option "execManual" and possibility to run GET-Requests as scheduler task. scheduler_http 1.1.0, 2012-01-22 -------------------------------- - Added configuration options "execCmd" and "debug". scheduler_http 1.0.0, 2010-12-31 -------------------------------- - Initial Upload.