.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. highlight:: typoscript .. _tsref: ==================== TypoScript reference ==================== More TypoScript settings are available on the :ref:`eventplugin-settings` page. Also make sure to check the included :php:`setup.typoscript` file for available/default TypoScript settings. .. only:: html .. contents:: Properties :depth: 1 :local: plugin.tx_sfeventmgt ==================== .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 view.templateRootPath --------------------- .. confval:: view.templateRootPath :Type: string :Default: **Extbase default** Path to the templates. The default setting is EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Private/Templates/ view.partialRootPath -------------------- .. confval:: view.partialRootPath :Type: string :Default: **Extbase default** Path to the partials. The default setting is EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Private/Partials/ view.layoutRootPath ------------------- .. confval:: view.layoutRootPath :Type: string :Default: **Extbase default** Path to the layouts. The default setting is EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Private/Layouts/ settings.calendar.firstDayOfWeek -------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.calendar.firstDayOfWeek :Type: int :Default: 1 First day of week 0 (Sunday) bis 6 (Saturday). The default value "1" is set to Monday. settings.calendar.includeEventsForEveryDayOfAllCalendarWeeks ------------------------------------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.calendar.includeEventsForEveryDayOfAllCalendarWeeks :Type: int :Default: 1 If set, the calendar will show events for all days of all shown weeks of the calendar and not only events for the current month. settings.calendar.showWeekNumber -------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.calendar.showWeekNumber :Type: int :Default: 1 Defines if the calendar should show week numbers or not. settings.detail.checkPidOfEventRecord ------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.detail.checkPidOfEventRecord :Type: int :Default: 0 If set, the detail view checks the incoming event record against the defined starting point(s). If those don’t match, the event record won’t be displayed. settings.detail.imageWidth -------------------------- .. confval:: settings.detail.imageWidth :Type: int :Default: 200 Default width of images in detail view settings.detail.imageHeight --------------------------- .. confval:: settings.detail.imageHeight :Type: int :Default: (none) Default height of images in detail view settings.detail.isShortcut -------------------------- .. confval:: settings.detail.isShortcut :Type: int :Default: 0 This setting should be set to "1" if the event should be fetched from the Content Object data. This option should only be set to "1", if events are displayed using the "Insert Record" content element settings.registration.checkPidOfEventRecord ------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.registration.checkPidOfEventRecord :Type: int :Default: 0 If set, the registration view checks the incoming event record against the defined starting point(s). If those don’t match, the registration to the event is not possible. settings.registration.autoConfirmation -------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.registration.autoConfirmation :Type: int :Default: 0 If set to `1`, new registration will automatically be confirmed by redirecting the user to the confirmRegistration-Action. settings.registration.deleteExpiredRegistrations ------------------------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.registration.deleteExpiredRegistrations :Type: int :Default: 0 If set to `1`, expired registrations will be deleted by the action in the backend module. If this setting is set to false, expired registrations will just be set to **hidden** Note, this setting has no effect for the `cleanup` CLI command. settings.registration.formatDateOfBirth --------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.registration.formatDateOfBirth :Type: string :Default: d.m.Y Date format of field dateOfBirth settings.registration.requiredFields ------------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.registration.requiredFields :Type: string :Default: empty List of required fields in registration. The fields firstname, lastname and email are always required and cannot be overridden. The following additional fields are available: * title * company * address * zip * city * country * phone * gender * dateOfBirth * notes * accepttc * captcha Note, that all fields are just checked, if they are empty or not. If the field "accepttc" (or any other boolean field) is included in the list of required fields, it is checked if the field value is true. settings.registration.linkTermsAndConditions -------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.registration.linkTermsAndConditions :Type: string :Default: empty A page or an external URL that can be used in the registration template to show "Terms & Conditions" settings.registration.prefillFields.{fieldname} ----------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.registration.prefillFields.{fieldname} :Type: string Key/value mapping for prefilling fields from fe_users table. The key-field is the fieldname in sf_event_mgt and the value-field is the fieldname in fe_users. :Default: * firstname = first_name * lastname = last_name * address = address * zip = zip * city = city * country = country * email = email * phone = telephone settings.waitlist.moveUp.keepMainRegistrationDependency ------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.waitlist.moveUp.keepMainRegistrationDependency :Type: int :Default: false If set to `1`, a registration will keep the dependency to the main registration if the registration has been submitted using the simultaneous registration process. Note, that it is recommended to set this value to false (0), since cancellation of the main registration will also cancel moved up "child" registrations. settings.confirmation.linkValidity ---------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.confirmation.linkValidity :Type: int :Default: 3600 Validity of confirmation link in seconds settings.notification.senderEmail --------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.senderEmail :name: ts-settings-senderemail :Type: string :Default: empty E-mail address for emails sent to user settings.notification.senderName -------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.senderName :name: ts-settings-sendername :Type: string :Default: empty Sender name for emails sent to user settings.notification.replyToEmail ---------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.replyToEmail :Type: string :Default: empty Reply-to email address of emails sent to the user settings.notification.senderSignature ------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.senderSignature :name: ts-settings-sendersignature :Type: string :Default: empty Signature shown in emails sent to user settings.notification.adminEmail -------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.adminEmail :Type: string :Default: empty Admin E-mail address settings.notification.registrationDataAsSenderForAdminEmails ------------------------------------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationDataAsSenderForAdminEmails :Type: int :Default: false If set, admin emails will be sent by the email-address and sender name (firstname and lastname) set in the registration settings.notification.disabled ------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.notification.disabled :Type: int :Default: false If set, the email notification feature is completely disabled. This includes user and admin emails as well as user notifications from the backend. Note, that the functionality of sending Notifications in the backend module is also disabled when this option is set to "true" settings.notification.registrationNew.userSubject ------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationNew.userSubject :Type: string :Default: Your event registration User-Subject for new registration settings.notification.registrationNew.adminSubject -------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationNew.adminSubject :Type: string :Default: New unconfirmed event registration Admin-Subject for new registration settings.notification.registrationNew.attachments ------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationNew.attachments :Type: string :Default: empty Attachment configuration for new unconfirmed event registrations. See :ref:`email-attachments` settings.notification.registrationWaitlistNew.userSubject --------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationWaitlistNew.userSubject :Type: string :Default: Your event registration on the waitlist User-Subject for new registration on the waitlist settings.notification.registrationWaitlistNew.adminSubject ---------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationWaitlistNew.adminSubject :Type: string :Default: New unconfirmed event registration on the waitlist Admin-Subject for new registration on the waitlist settings.notification.registrationWaitlistNew.attachments --------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationWaitlistNew.attachments :Type: string :Default: empty Attachment configuration for new unconfirmed event registrations on the waitlist. See :ref:`email-attachments` settings.notification.registrationConfirmed.userSubject ------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationConfirmed.userSubject :Type: string :Default: Event registration successful User-Subject for confirmed registration settings.notification.registrationConfirmed.adminSubject -------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationConfirmed.adminSubject :Type: string :Default: Event registration confirmed Admin-Subject for confirmed registration settings.notification.registrationConfirmed.attachments ------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationConfirmed.attachments :Type: string :Default: empty Attachment configuration for confirmed event registrations. See :ref:`email-attachments` settings.notification.registrationWaitlistConfirmed.userSubject --------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationWaitlistConfirmed.userSubject :Type: string :Default: Event registration on the waitlist successful User-Subject for confirmed registration on the waitlist settings.notification.registrationWaitlistConfirmed.adminSubject ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationWaitlistConfirmed.adminSubject :Type: string :Default: Event registration on the waitlist confirmed Admin-Subject for confirmed registration on the waitlist settings.notification.registrationWaitlistConfirmed.attachments --------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationWaitlistConfirmed.attachments :Type: string :Default: empty Attachment configuration for confirmed event registrations on the waitlist. See :ref:`email-attachments` settings.notification.registrationCancelled.userSubject ------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationCancelled.userSubject :Type: string :Default: Event registration cancelled successful User-Subject for cancelled registration settings.notification.registrationCancelled.adminSubject -------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.registrationCancelled.adminSubject :Type: string :Default: Event registration cancelled Admin-Subject for cancelled registration settings.search.dateFormat -------------------------- .. confval:: settings.search.dateFormat :name: ts-search-date-format :Type: string :Default: Y-m-d Date format for date fields in the search view settings.search.fields ---------------------- .. confval:: settings.search.fields :name: ts-settings-search-fields :Type: string :Default: title, teaser Fields to be included in a query for the search view settings.search.adjustTime -------------------------- .. confval:: settings.search.adjustTime :Type: int :Default: true When the setting `settings.search.dateFormat` is set to a date only, it is recommended to set this option to true. The time for a given startdate will be set to 00:00:00 and the time for a given enddate will be set to 23:59:59, so all events for the given dates will be found by a search. settings.pagination.enablePagination ------------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.pagination.enablePagination :name: ts-settings-pagination-enablepagination :Type: int :Default: false If true, the list view outputs required variables to render a pagination. settings.pagination.itemsPerPage -------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.pagination.itemsPerPage :name: ts-settings-pagination-itemsperpage :Type: int :Default: 10 Amount of items per paginated page. settings.pagination.maxNumPages ------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.pagination.maxNumPages :name: ts-settings-pagination-maxnumpages :Type: int :Default: 10 Maximum number of pages to show in the pagination. settings.event.errorHandling ---------------------------- .. confval:: settings.event.errorHandling :Type: string :Default: showStandaloneTemplate,EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Private/Templates/Event/EventNotFound.html,404 If an event for the detail and registration view is not found (e.g. is hidden or deleted), you can configure, if the plugin should redirect to the list view, show a 404 error or render the view (default) without the event data. Possible values: - redirectToListView - pageNotFoundHandler - showStandaloneTemplate The "showStandaloneTemplate" option requires a Template and optional an HTTP status code. Example: showStandaloneTemplate,EXT:sf_event_mgt/Resources/Private/Templates/Event/EventNotFound.html,404 **Note:** For TYPO3 9.5, this setting has only effect when the event is not passed through GET parameters to the action (e.g. event set in plugin). For all other scenarios, the TYPO3 "sites" error handling steps in. module.tx_sfeventmgt ==================== settings.csvExport.fields ------------------------- .. confval:: settings.csvExport.fields :Type: string :Default: uid, gender, firstname, lastname, title, company, email, address, zip, city, country, registration_fields Comma-separated list of fields to include in CSV export. Please note, that you must write the **property names** of the fields to export (e.g. firstname, lastname, dateOfBirth, event.title) In order to export the values of registration fields, use "registration_fields" as fieldname. Note, that it is only possible to export all registration fields at once. settings.csvExport.showFlashMessageForInsufficientAccessRights -------------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.csvExport.showFlashMessageForInsufficientAccessRights :Type: int :Default: true If switched on, a warning message is shown in the backend module, when a backend user does not have read/write access rights to the temp-folder of the default storage. settings.csvExport.fieldDelimiter --------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.csvExport.fieldDelimiter :Type: string :Default: , Comma-separated list delimiter settings.csvExport.fieldQuoteCharacter -------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.csvExport.fieldQuoteCharacter :Type: string :Default: " Comma-separated list quote character settings.csvExport.prependBOM ----------------------------- .. confval:: settings.csvExport.prependBOM :Type: int :Default: 0 Prepend UTF-8 BOM to export. Switch this setting on if you have problems when opening the exported CSV file with Microsoft Excel settings.list.itemsPerPage -------------------------- .. confval:: settings.list.itemsPerPage :Type: int :Default: 10 Number of items to show per page in the backend module settings.search.dateFormat -------------------------- .. confval:: settings.search.dateFormat :name: ts-search-date-format-backend-module :Type: string :Default: d.m.Y H:i Date format for search fields in the backend module settings.search.fields ---------------------- .. confval:: settings.search.fields :name: ts-settings-search-fields-backend-module :Type: string :Default: title, teaser Fields to be included in a query from the backend module settings.notification.senderEmail --------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.senderEmail :name: ts-settings-senderemail-backend-module :Type: string :Default: (none) E-mail address for emails sent to user settings.notification.senderName -------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.senderName :name: ts-settings-sendername-backend-module :Type: string :Default: (none) Sender name for emails sent to user settings.notification.senderSignature ------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.senderSignature :name: ts-settings-sendersignature-backend-module :Type: string :Default: (none) Signature shown in emails sent to user settings.notification.customNotifications.{templatename} -------------------------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.notification.customNotifications.{templatename} :Type: string Name of custom notification template. Custom notifications can be sent to all registered participants of an event in the administration module. **Example for default custom notification** .. figure:: /Images/event-notification.png :alt: Custom notifications :class: with-shadow Each custom notification must include a **title**, a **template**, and a **subject** Please refer to the default custom notification for a setup example. :Default: thanksForParticipation settings.enabledActions.notify ------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.enabledActions.notify :Type: int :Default: 1 If set to "1", the Notify-Action / Icon is shown for events with registration enabled. settings.enabledActions.export ------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.enabledActions.export :Type: int :Default: 1 If set to "1", the Export-Action / Icon is shown for events with registration enabled. settings.defaultSorting.orderField ------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.defaultSorting.orderField :Type: string :Default: title Defines the default field to be used for sorting. When not explicitly specified, the sorting will be based on the "title" field. settings.defaultSorting.orderDirection ---------------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.defaultSorting.orderDirection :Type: string :Default: asc Specifies the default order direction. The default value "asc" stands for ascending order. Can be set to "desc" for descending order. settings.pagination.enablePagination ------------------------------------ .. confval:: settings.pagination.enablePagination :name: ts-settings-pagination-enablepagination-backend-module :Type: int :Default: 1 Determines whether pagination is enabled (1) or disabled (0). When set to "1", pagination is used to divide content into separate pages. settings.pagination.itemsPerPage -------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.pagination.itemsPerPage :name: ts-settings-pagination-itemsperpage-backend-module :Type: int :Default: 10 Specifies the number of items to display on each page when pagination is enabled. The default setting is 10 items per page. settings.pagination.maxNumPages ------------------------------- .. confval:: settings.pagination.maxNumPages :name: ts-settings-pagination-maxnumpages-backend-module :Type: int :Default: 10 Sets the maximum number of pages to display in the pagination control. The default is set to 10 pages.