.. You may want to use the usual include line. Uncomment and adjust the path. .. include:: ../Includes.txt :Created: 2006-05-29T12:47:43 :Changed by: Stefan Geith :Changed: 2007-05-07T13:49:32 :Info 1: :Info 2: :Info 3: :Info 4: .. _EXT-Library-for-Frontend-plugins: EXT: Library for Frontend plugins ================================= Extension Key: **sg\_zfelib** Copyright 2003-2007, Stefan Geith, This document is published under the Open Content License available from http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml The content of this document is related to TYPO3 \- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from www.typo3.com .. _Table-of-Contents: Table of Contents ----------------- **EXT: Library for Frontend plugins 1** **Introduction 1** What does it do? 1 sg\_zfelib\_doc 1 .. _Introduction: Introduction ------------ .. _What-does-it-do: What does it do? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sg\_zfelib is a library for creating TYPO3 frontend plugins. It is especially helpfull, if you need fe-user editing features: - Get Buttons for FE-User-Editing features - Get Text- and Formfield-Values from database-entries - Create markers for an entire row of a table - Check access-restrictions for FE-User-Editing - Some minor utility-functions .. _sg-zfelib-doc: sg\_zfelib\_doc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please use extension "sg\_zfelib\_doc" for full documentation, a tutorial and example-files. |img-1| v1.0.0 - 2007-02-28 - - 2 .. ######CUTTER_MARK_IMAGES###### .. |img-1| image:: img-1.png .. :align: left .. :border: 0 .. :height: 32 .. :id: Grafik3 .. :name: Grafik3 .. :width: 102