TYPO3 Extension "sjr_offers" ============================ Authors ------- - **Original author**: Jochen Rau - **Current maintainer**: [Martin Helmich](typo3@martin-helmich.de) What is this? ------------- *sjr_offers* is an extension for the TYPO3 CMS. Originally developed for the *Stadtjugendring Stuttgart e.V.*, it serves primarily as an example extension for the book [Zukunftssichere TYPO3-Extensions mit Extbase & Fluid](http://www.oreilly.de/catalog/typo3ext2ger/), published by O'Reilly. This extension is used do demonstrate the features of the Extbase framework, a backport of [TYPO3 Flow](http://flow.typo3.org) APIs and functionalities to [TYPO3 CMS](http://typo3.org). How to install -------------- You can install this extension via TER or by uploading the ZIP file in your extension manager.