This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Fluid Template StructureΒΆ

First we start with a short overview of the template structure. This is just to get an rought overview. The templates will be explained in detail in the template where they belong to:

  • Layouts: Layouts that are used in the search and the faceting.
  • Partials:
    • Facets: Partials that are use to render the specific facet types.
    • Result: Partials that are used during the result rendering (e.g. to render the result document, sorting or perPage selector)
    • Search: Partials that are used for the search also when no search was executed.
  • Templates:
    • Search: All templates that are used to render the actions in the SearchController
    • ViewHelper: All templates that are use in the widgets (FrequentSearched, LastSearches, ResultPaginate)

All backend related files are in a "Backend" folder. Everything else is frontend related.