This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Registering Custom Documentation

The two slots afterInitializeReferences and renderUserDocumentation should be used to register and render your own documentation. Please see sample code below.

Slot retrieveRestFilename should be used if you plan to edit source files using the integrated reStructuredText editor.


Before going on implementing signals to register your own documentation, make sure to read the instructions to register a project with the built-in facility. As a bonus, if you do so, your documentation will automatically show up in the documentation backend module starting from TYPO3 6.2.

Slot: afterInitializeReferences

This slot is used to register additional entries in the drop-down list of available documentations.

Your slot should implement a method of the form:

public function postprocessReferences(array &$references) {
    // Custom code

Parameter $references is an bi-dimensional array containing the list of local, global and system extensions with a Sphinx/reStructuredText-based documentation. As the array is passed by reference, you may post-process the array and add/remove/modify existing entries.

Slot: renderUserDocumentation

This slot is used to render your custom documentation and return the URL of the master page.

Your slot should implement a method of the form:

public function render($identifier, $layout, $force, &$documentationUrl) {
    // Custom code

Slot: retrieveBasePath

This slot is used to retrieve the base path for the generated documentation corresponding to a given identifier.

Your slot should implement a method of the form:

public function retrieveBasePath($identifier, &$path) {
    // Custom code

Slot: retrieveRestFilename

This slot is used to retrieve the reStructuredText filename corresponding to a given document.

Your slot should implement a method of the form:

public function retrieveRestFilename($identifier, $document, &$basePath, &$filename) {
    // Custom code

Sample code

This sample code will register a custom documentation and simply return a public URL ( as "master page":

Custom documentation in the drop-down list

Registering the slots

In your extension, open EXT:extension-key/ext_localconf.php and add:

/** @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher $signalSlotDispatcher */
$signalSlotDispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(





Implementing the slots

In your extension, create a file EXT:extension-key/Classes/Slots/CustomDocumentation.php:

namespace Company\MyExt\Slots;

class CustomDocumentation {

     * Registers the documentation.
     * @param array &$references
     * @return void
    public function postprocessReferences(array &$references) {
        $references['Some Category'] = array(
            'USER:some-reference' => 'The Title',

     * Renders the documentation.
     * @param string $identifier
     * @param string $layout
     * @param boolean $force
     * @param string &$documentationUrl
     * @return void
    public function render($identifier, $layout, $force, &$documentationUrl) {
        if ($identifier !== 'some-reference') {

        // TODO: render documentation and return an URL
        //       (relative or absolute) to the master document
        $documentationUrl = '';

     * Returns the base path for a given project identifier.
     * @param string $identifier
     * @param string &$path
    public function retrieveBasePath($identifier, &$path) {
        // Not yet implemented


Example implementation of the TODO

In example above, the actual rendering of an arbitrary documentation is not shown. Here is an example of a possible implementation. We suppose that you have a TYPO3-based documentation project within directory fileadmin/demo-sphinx (e.g., generated with the Sphinx Project Kickstarter); that is, a project where file is stored within a directory _make:

public function render($identifier, $layout, $force, &$documentationUrl) {
    if ($identifier !== 'some-reference') {

    $basePath = 'fileadmin/demo-sphinx/';
    $buildDirectory = '_make/build/';
    $confFilename = '_make/';

    try {
        switch ($layout) {
            case 'html':        // Static
                $masterFile = '_make/build/html/Index.html';
                if ($force || !is_file($basePath . $masterFile)) {
                        PATH_site . $basePath,
                $documentationUrl = '../' . $basePath . $masterFile;
            case 'json':        // Interactive
                $masterFile = '_make/build/json/Index.fjson';
                if ($force || !is_file($basePath . $masterFile)) {
                        PATH_site . $basePath,
                $documentationUrl = '../' . $basePath . $masterFile;
            case 'pdf':
                throw new \RuntimeException(
                    'Sorry! Layout ' . $layout . ' is not yet supported', 1371415095
    } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
        $filename = 'typo3temp/tx_myext_' . $e->getCode() . '.log';
        $content = $e->getMessage();
        \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::writeFile(PATH_site . $filename, $content);
        $documentationUrl = '../' . $filename;

Please see method \Causal\Sphinx\Utility\GeneralUtility::generateDocumentation() and class \Causal\Sphinx\Slots\CustomProject for further ideas.