This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

To-Do list

This project evolves and matures as new use cases pop up. You would like to see a killer feature? You have thought of better user experience? Great!

A single address


Please use the extension's bug tracker on Forge to propose new features:


Another very easy way to contribute to the success of this extension is to translate it on the TYPO3 translation server; other users will thank you much.

Keep sharing

Finally, please use mailing lists and social networks to share and give feedback about your journey into text-based documentation with reStructuredText and Sphinx, how you feel about it, which tools you like, why you are convinced that your friends and followers should jump in as well, ...

But all in all, thanks for using and trusting this extension and understanding that the terrific code and software you are writing deserves a proper documentation to be usable by others; so that, in turn, you too inspire people to share.