.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _changelog: ChangeLog --------- The following is a very high level overview of the changes in this extension. For more details, `read the online log `_. .. tip:: Release notes and possible quick fixes for published versions are available in the project's wiki: https://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-sphinx/wiki. .. tabularcolumns:: |r|p{13.7cm}| ======= =========================================================================== Version Changes ======= =========================================================================== 2.5.x - Drop support for TYPO3 6.2 2.4.x - New sphinx-doc theme from docs.typo3.org 2.3.x - Parallel building to speed-up rendering - Standalone and reworked from scratch OpenOffice to Sphinx converter 2.2.x - Compatibility with TYPO3 6.2 - 7.x 2.1.x - Upload of files in reStructuredText editor 2.0.x - New dashboard with management of custom projects - Kickstart custom projects from a Git repository - Support of custom projects in foreign languages - Drag and drop in project tree to move files with documentation editor - Context menu to rename, create and remove files and directories, using corresponding Git commands if the project is using Git - Full reorganization of the manual 1.3.x - Syntax highlighting for reStructuredText and YAML files - Keyboard shortcuts - Automatic fix of unknown Intersphinx mapping prefixes 1.2.x - Enhanced documentation editor with cross-references browser - Support for sphinx-contrib libraries (YouTube inclusion, ...) 1.1.x - Support for multilingual documentation - Extend EXT:documentation (TYPO3 6.2) - Pygments with TypoScript highlighting - OpenOffice to Sphinx converter (using online tool on https://docs.typo3.org) - French documentation 1.0.x - Support for rst2pdf - TYPO3 branding when rendering PDF with LaTeX 0.6.x - Compatibility with MS Windows - Support for external documentation 0.5.x - Render extension manuals as HTML, JSON or PDF - Sphinx documentation editor 0.4.x - Scripts to use the local Sphinx environment from the command line - Sphinx documentation viewer 0.3.x - Colored console output - Compilation in PDF if pdflatex is available 0.2.x - Kickstarter to create a TYPO3 documentation using official template 0.1.x - First release to the TER (alpha to gather more initial feedback) 0.0.1 - Not released to TER, extension is compatible with TYPO3 4.5-4.7. Can be retrieved from `Subversion's tag 0.0.1 `_ ======= ===========================================================================