.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _installing-share-font: Installing the Share font ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to customize the output of documentation rendered as PDF with LaTeX to match the TYPO3 branding, we first need to install the `Share corporate font family`_ and convert it to be compatible with LaTeX. Instructions can be found in the repository of the TYPO3-related commands for Sphinx, within directory :file:`latex.typo3`. .. _`Share corporate font family`: https://typo3.org/about/the-brand/style-guide/the-typo3-font/ Go to directory :file:`latex.typo3` and convert the Share font (the password that is being asked is related to :command:`sudo`; as such it is your own password): .. code-block:: bash $ cd /path/to/uploads/tx_sphinx/latex.typo3/ $ cd font/ $ ./convert-share.sh .. tip:: The complete Share font family can be downloaded off http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/typo3/TYPO3_Share_Complete.zip?download. .. note:: **MS Windows Users:** Please use `Unicode Truetype font installer for LaTeX `__. As there is currently no automatic script available for you, when using MikTeX, please follow the instructions on the linked page or from http://www.radamir.com/tex/ttf-tex.htm. **Tip:** You may want to use script :program:`convert-share.sh` from a Linux machine and set ``INSTALL=0`` near the beginning of the script. Instead of installing the converted fonts on your system, it will only convert them and prepare mapping files within directory :file:`latex.typo3/fonts/texmf/`. Once converted, the font is available as ``typo3share`` within LaTeX documents. To test that it has been properly installed, you may create a sample LaTeX document, (:file:`test-font.tex`): .. code-block:: latex \documentclass{article} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} %% TYPO3 font \newcommand\sharefont{\fontfamily{typo3share}\selectfont} \begin{document} We chose to distribute licenses as they support the vision and mission of the TYPO3 project: "{\sharefont Inspiring People to \textbf{\emph{Share}}}" and "Jointly Innovate Excellent Free Software Enabling People to Communicate" \end{document} and compile it: .. code-block:: bash $ pdflatex test-font When you open generated file :file:`test-font.pdf`, you should see the Share font used locally: .. figure:: ../../Images/share_font.png :alt: Using the Share font family within LaTeX