This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


This page is divided into the following sections which are all configurable by using TypoScript:


You find the constants always in EXT:staffholiday/Configuration/TypoScript/constants.txt file. To change the settings you can use the Constants-Editor in TYPO3 Backend. You could change the main settings with the constants. For a detailed configuration have a look into the TypoScript Setup.

Plain Text

plugin.tx_staffholiday {
   view {
      # cat=plugin.tx_staffholiday/file; type=string; label= Path to layout root (FE)
      layoutRootPath = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Layouts

      # cat=plugin.tx_staffholiday/file; type=string; label= Path to partial root (FE)
      partialRootPath = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Partials

      # cat=plugin.tx_staffholiday/file; type=string; label= Path to template root (FE)
      templateRootPath = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Templates

   settings {
      mailing {
         # cat=plugin.tx_staffholiday/string; type=string; label= Email address of sender
         senderEmail =

         # cat=plugin.tx_staffholiday/string; type=string; label= Name of the sender
         senderName = Staff holiday planner


Property prefix is plugin.tx_staffholiday.

Property Data Type Description Default Value
view.templateRootPath string Path to template root (FE) EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Templates/
view.partialRootPath string Path to template partials (FE) EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Partials/
view.layoutRootPath string Path to template layouts (FE) EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Layouts/
settings.senderEmail string Sender email: Default sender email for all emails to the user
settings.senderName string Sender name: Default sender name for all emails to the user Staff holiday planner


The setup file you could find always in EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.txt. With this TypoScript settings you are able to configure:

  • Configure search fields of frontend user
  • Define the size of frontend user image
  • Overwrite any email settings
  • Change CSS and JavaScript includes

Plain Text

plugin.tx_staffholiday {
    view {
        layoutRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Layouts
            1 = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.view.layoutRootPath}
        partialRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Partials
            1 = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.view.partialRootPath}
        templateRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Templates
            1 = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.view.templateRootPath}

    settings {
        list {
            filter {
                fieldsToSearch = user.first_name, user.last_name,

            image {
                width = 50c
                height = 50c

        new {
            confirmByAdmin = 1
            confirmPageTypeNum = 1504773051

            email {
                createAdminConfirmation {
                    sender {
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.settings.mailing.senderName}

                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.settings.mailing.senderEmail}

                    receiver {
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =

                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateAdminConfirmationSubject

                    # activate the ics calendar file as email attachment
                    attachIcsFile = 1

                createUserNotify {
                    sender {
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.settings.mailing.senderName}

                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.settings.mailing.senderEmail}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateUserNotifySubject

                    # activate the ics calendar file as email attachment
                    attachIcsFile = 1

                createUserNotifyRefused {
                    sender {
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.settings.mailing.senderName}

                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_staffholiday.settings.mailing.senderEmail}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateUserNotifyRefusedSubject

                    # deactivate the ics calendar file as email attachment
                    attachIcsFile = 0

# Inlude CSS and JavaScript files
page {
   includeCSS {
      tx-staffholiday = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Public/Css/_staffholiday.css
   includeJSFooter {
      tx-staffholidy = EXT:staffholiday/Resources/Public/JavaScript/staffholiday.js