.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../../Includes.txt .. _administrators_installation_manual_gridelements: Gridelements ============ You don't need to enter the needed gridelements manually :) but half automatically. - Add a folder for grid layouts. For example - Grid Layouts - Create backend layouts (use it only, if your table tx_gridelements_backend_layout is empty!) - edit typo3conf/ext/start/ext_tables_static+adt.sql - replace 'xyz' with the page id of your folder "backend layouts" from above - Copy the SQL statements from the file and paste it into PhpMyAdmin - Send the SQL statements - Create backend layouts icons - Copy the icons to the tx_gridelements folder in uploads: .. code:: php cp -aR typo3conf/ext/start/Resources/Public/uploads/tx_gridelements/* uploads/tx_gridelements/ Check the content of your folder "backend layouts". It should contain 8 backend layouts.