This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


The use of TsTCPDF is the ability to use TCPDF using TypoScript and HTML templates for the issue. But there are also the normal possibilities of TCPDF available.

$pdf = $this->objectManager->get(

A sample configuration for the header and footer of the document might look like this. This example is taken from Cart Pdf extension.

invoicePdf {
    debug = 0

    fontSize = 10

    header {
        margin = 30mm
        html {
            logo {
                width = 50
                positionX = 10
                positionY = 5
                templatePath = /InvoicePdf/Header/
                file = EXT:cart/Documentation/Images/cart_logo.png

            content {
                width = 120
                positionX = 80
                positionY = 5
                templatePath = /InvoicePdf/Header/
                fontSize = 8
                align = R

        line {
            1 {
                x1 = 10
                y1 = 24
                x2 = 200
                y2 = 24
                style {
                    width = 0.5

    footer {
        margin = 40mm

        html {
            content {
                width = 190
                height = 35
                positionX = 15
                positionY = 265
                templatePath = /InvoicePdf/Footer/
                fontSize = 8

            page {
                width = 100
                height = 10
                positionX = 115
                positionY = 290
                templatePath = /InvoicePdf/Footer/
                fontSize = 8
                align = R

        line {
            1 {
                x1 = 10
                y1 = 262
                x2 = 200
                y2 = 262
                style {
                    width = 0.5