.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) Getting the value of the Plugin FlexForm field ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the mininews plugin class we first need to detect if a Template Object record is pointed at and if so make sure it is used. Detecting the Template Object (TO) record """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In the “mininews/pi1/class.tx\_mininews\_pi1.php” file the class contains these two variables: :: // TemplaVoila specific: var $TA=''; // If TemplaVoila is used and a TO record is found, this array will be loaded with Template Array. var $TMPLobj=''; // Template Object Later, in the listView function you find this initialization which detects the record. Comments below :: 1: function listView($content,$conf) { 2: 3: // Init FlexForm configuration for plugin: 4: $this->pi_initPIflexForm(); 5: 6: // Looking for TemplaVoila TO record and if found, initialize template object: 7: if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('templavoila')) { 8: $field_templateObject = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'],'field_templateObject'); 9: if ((int)$field_templateObject) { 10: $this->TMPLobj = t3lib_div::makeInstance(\Extension\Templavoila\Domain\Model\HtmlMarkup::class); 11: $this->TA = $this->TMPLobj->getTemplateArrayForTO((int)$field_templateObject); 12: if (is_array($this->TA)) { 13: $this->TMPLobj->setHeaderBodyParts($this->TMPLobj->tDat['MappingInfo_head'],$this->TMPLobj->tDat['MappingData_head_cached']); 14: } 15: } 16: } - Line 4 initializes the “pi\_flexform” field in $this->cObj->data. This will convert the field from being a string with the XML data to being an array with the same XML converted to PHP array by t3lib\_div::xml2array() - Line 7 checks if TemplaVoila is loaded -which it must be of course! - Line 8 requests the value of “field\_templateObject” in the FlexForm content of “pi\_flexform” - Line 9 sees in that value is an integer - which means it points to a Template Object record “uid” - In line 10 we create an instance of the “tx\_templavoila\_htmlmarkup” class which will be our API for merging our *data* from mininews with the *template* from the Template Object record. - Line 11 loads the Template Array from the TO pointed to by $field\_templateObject. - Line 12 checks if the Template Array was set - this is the case if there was mapping information found in the TO. - Line 13 will set possible header sections if any should be defined in the TO. Now, in the rest of the mininews class we can just check if $this->TA is an array and if so use templavoilas API for merging data and template. This is shown next. Merging Data with Template markup """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In order to not make this too lengthy I will just cut out some examples. **Repeated list rows** The first example is how to accumulate content for list rows. This is basically done by a loop, traversing over the elements and for each iteration calling an API function in TemplaVoila with two arguments, the appropriate part of the ->TA variable (Template Array = cached template markup) and an array with the mininews data. :: 1: // Create list of elements: 2: $elements=''; 3: while($this->internal['currentRow'] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 4: $elements.=$this->TMPLobj->mergeDataArrayToTemplateArray( 5: $this->TA['sub']['sArchive']['sub']['field_archiveListing']['sub']['element_even'], 6: array( 7: 'field_date' => $this->getFieldContent('datetime'), 8: 'field_header' => $this->pi_list_linkSingle($this->getFieldContent('title'),$this->internal['currentRow']['uid'],1), 9: 'field_teaser' => nl2br(trim(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd($this->getFieldContent('teaser_list'),$this->conf['frontPage.']['teaserLgd']))) 10: ) 11: ); 12: } In this listing you can see that the array with data from mininews has three keys, “field\_date”, “field\_header” and “field\_teaser”. These corresponds with three elements found in the Data Structure XML for the “ARCHIVE LISTING” template: :: 10: 11: array 12:
13: 14: Archive Listing container 15: 16: div,table:inner 17: 18: 19: 20: array 21: 22: Element Container, Even 23: 24: *:outer 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: Date 30: News date 31: *:inner 32: 33: 6th August 10:34 34: 29/12 2003 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: Header 41: Header field. 42: *:inner 43: 44: People on mars! 45: Snow in Sydney 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: Teaser 52: Teaser field. 53: *:inner 54: 55: Capthurim Chanaan vero genuit Sidonem primogenitum et Heth Iebuseum quoque 56: 57: 58: This is a part of the Data Structure which is nested inside of :: I point this out because you can see the logic of the variable :: $this->TA['sub']['sArchive']['sub']['field_archiveListing']['sub']['element_even'] in the code listing from this. Basically, if you substitute “sub” with “el” you can almost read that this variable will contain the markup for :: $this->TA['sub']['sArchive']['sub']['field_archiveListing']['sub']['element_even'] **Putting it all together** After having accumulated the list rows (and some other stuff) the values on the outer levels are also composed into a similar API call whose output is finally returned: :: 1: // Wrap the elements in their containers: 2: $out = $this->TMPLobj->mergeDataArrayToTemplateArray( 3: $this->TA['sub']['sArchive'], 4: array( 5: 'field_archiveListing' => $elements, 6: 'field_browseBox_cellsContainer' => $br_elements, 7: 'field_searchBox_sword' => htmlspecialchars($this->piVars['sword']), 8: 'field_searchBox_submitUrl' => htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')), 9: 'field_browseBox_displayRange' => $rangeLabel, 10: 'field_browseBox_displayCount' => $this->internal['res_count'] 11: ) 12: ); 13: 14: return $out; This time you will see that the accumulated content of the list rows ($elements) is added to the key “field\_archiveListing”. For all the other fields you can look them up in the DS as well: :: ... 105: 106: 109: 110: attr 111: 112: Search form action 113: URL of the news-search; Map to the action-attribute of the search form. 114: form:attr:action 115: 116: javascript:alert('Hello, you pressed the search button!');return false; 117: 118: 119: 120: 121: attr 122: 123: Search word field 124: Search word; Map to the forms input-fields value-attribute. 125: input:attr:value 126: 127: Strawberry Jam 128: Jack Daniels 129: Flowers 130: 131: 132: 133: 134: 137: 138: 139: Range 140: Map to position where "x-y" should be outputted (showing which records are displayed) 141: *:inner 142: 143: 1-10 144: 20 to 30 145: 146: 147: 148: 149: 150: Count 151: Map to position where the total number of found records should be outputted. 152: *:inner 153: 154: 123 155: 3402 156: 157: 158: ... Thats all!