.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) User functions / hooks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Where it made sense, we have implemented some hooks every here and there in TemplaVoila in order to give extension programmers a chance to override or extend certain functionality. Just register your own function and you will take over the control or take influence on that part of TemplaVoila. If you need to extend a certain part and don't find a way to include your own code, just get in touch with us, we might include some API to implement your own user defined function. Generally, there are two ways of providing hooks, the ones using t3lib\_div::getUserObj() and those using t3lib\_div::callUserFunction(). Hooks going the ***getUserObj*** way require a **class name** while ***callUserFunction*** hooks accept a **class name** and **method name** . Here is an example of how to register your own function in both ways: :: // The getUserObject way: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['templavoila'][ sub_key ][subsub_key][] = 'my_class'; // The callUserFunction way: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['templavoila'][ sub_key ][subsub_key][] = 'my_class->my_method'; Which type of hook was implemented, is specified in the column *type* in the reference below. It also states if only one or multiple userfunctions are allowed for that hook. In the latter case you'll have to add your class name (and method) to an **array** **of userfunctions** . **Hint:** You should read the section about hooks in the *TYPO3 core APIs* document, which is available on `TYPO3.org `_ . And of course you should have a look at the source code where the hook is provided before you implement your own userfunction. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Sub key Sub key: Sub-sub key Sub-sub key: Type Type: Purpose / description Purpose / description: .. container:: table-row Sub key cm1 Sub-sub key eTypesConfGen Type callUserFunction / single Purpose / description “eTypes” are presets which are use in the click module (cm1) in order to create the field configuration of a data structure. While mapping you may choose between these eTypes, examples are “text”, “image”, “imagefixed”, “ce” and so on. The “input” eType for example, results in this configuration within the data structure: :: input 30 trim If you want to override the creation of this configuration for a certain eType, you may use eTypesConfGenUserfunctions to specify your user defined function. Provide a user function for the eType “input”, you might specify something like this in your extension's page TSconfig: :: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['templavoila']['cm1']['eTypesConfGen']['input'] = 'tx_myClass->myMethod' For more information on how to design your user function have a look at templavoila/cm1/index.php .. container:: table-row Sub key cm1 Sub-sub key eTypesExtraFormFields Type callUserFunction / single Purpose / description (Also see the explanation about eTypes above) Using this hook you may specify a user function which will render certain extra fields for certain eTypes in the mapping dialogues. One popular extra field is the object path for the TypoScriptObject eType. **Example:** :: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['templavoila']['cm1']['eTypesExtraFormFields']['input'] = 'tx_myClass->myMethod'; .. container:: table-row Sub key db\_new\_content\_el Sub-sub key wizardItemsHook Type getUserObj / multiple Purpose / description Using this hook enables to modify the elements within the new content element wizard. .. container:: table-row Sub key mod1 Sub-sub key renderTopToolbar Type callUserFunction / multiple Purpose / description Use this hook if you want to output some HTML code at the very top of the Edit Page screen in the page module. This was hook was implemented for providing a custom toolbar related to the current page. **Example:** :: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['templavoila']['mod1']['renderTopToolbar'][] = 'tx_myClass->myMethod'; .. container:: table-row Sub key mod1 Sub-sub key renderPreviewContentClass Type getUserObj / multiple Purpose / description This function contains the following hook: **renderPreviewContent\_preProcess** Gives you the chance to render the preview content for an element fully on your own. .. container:: table-row Sub key mod1 Sub-sub key renderPreviewContent Type getUserObj / multiple Purpose / description Use this hook if you want to render the preview of a custom cType or override the default preview of a certain cType. This is great if you want to provide a preview for your own plugins! Let's say you wrote a plugin called myext\_pi1. Just create a new function your tx\_myext\_pi1 class and register it in $TYPO3\_CONF\_VARS (see above). Your own function would look like this: **Example:** :: function renderPreviewContent ($row, $table, $output, &$alreadyRendered, &$reference) { if (row['CType'] == 'list' && $row['list_type'] == 'myext_pi1') { $content = 'MyExt: '.htmlspecialchars('my custom preview'); $alreadyRendered = true; return $reference->link_edit($content, $table, $row['uid']); } } .. container:: table-row Sub key mod1 Sub-sub key render\_editPageScreen Type getUserObj / multiple Purpose / description This function contains the following hook: **render\_editPageScreen\_addContent** Provides a way to add further output to the bottom of the edit page screen. .. container:: table-row Sub key mod1 Sub-sub key handleIncomingCommands Type getUserObj / multiple Purpose / description This function contains the following hook: **handleIncomingCommands\_preProcess** Provides a way to preprocess or interupt command which are sent from the page-module. **handleIncomingCommands\_postProcess** Provides a way to postprocess or interupt command which are sent from the page-module. .. container:: table-row Sub key pi1 Sub-sub key renderElementClass Type getUserObj / multiple Purpose / description This function contains the following hook: **renderElement\_preProcessRow** Gives you the chance to modify the row currently being rendered for frontend output. One way of using is, is selecting a different template object for a flexible content element, based on certain conditions. .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ######