This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Users manual

This extension does mainly target developers (website administrators and extension developers) but you can also easily use this rating directly on pages as a content element.

  1. Create a new content element of the type “Insert Plugin”

    Create new content element in BE

  2. Choose the extension “Rating AX” in the dropdownbox

    Choose the extension “Rating AX” in the dropdownbox

  3. Configure your rating

    The concerned ratingobject in that mode uses tt_content as tablename and uid as fieldname. You may first configure the ratingsteps you like to have. Be aware using ongoing positive integer ratingorder numbers.

    Edit ratingobject

    If you are working on multilanguage websites you may add translations of your ratingsteps as usual:

    Edit ratingstep names (multilingual)

    Important: Don´t forget adding the additional language you want to add to the list of pagelanguages in your storagepage.


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