This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Administrator Manual

Target group: Administrators


To install the extension, perform the following steps:

  1. Check that the php module intl is activated

    You may place a tiny phpinfo.php on the diretory of your website:


    You should look for a section similar to the following:

    PHPINFO Section identifying installed module

    If you find that the extension is NOT installed please check for installation options.

  2. Go to the Extension Manager

  3. Install the extension

  4. Load the static template

  5. You may include the pre-defined COA in either of the following ways to show a hyperlink telling the current choosen timezone.
    1. Typoscript with the predefined COA object lib.timezone

    2. Fluid template:

      <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.timezone" />

    The COA will generate a hyperlink to the page set in the configuration:

    Link showing current timezone


The only configuration is pointing to the correct page that contains the extensions content element to change the timezone.

Backend constant pid setting

Constant uid setting pointing to the the page for changing the timezone.


This extension features the standard logging mechanisms of TYPO3. You’ll find find more information at Four log levels are actually used which might be activated via Typoscript in the following manner:

plugin.tx_timezones.settings.logging {
      error {
         file = typo3temp/logs/Timezones.log
         table = sys_log
      warning {
         file = typo3temp/logs/Timezones.log
         table = sys_log
      info {
         file = typo3temp/logs/Timezones.log
         table = sys_log
      debug {
         file = typo3temp/logs/Timezones.log
         table = sys_log

Changing style


The templates of this extension are stored in the directory typo3conf/ext/timezones/Resources/Private/Templates/Timezones of your TYPO3 installation. For customization just copy them - all or only the one you want to change - into another directory e.g. fileadmin/templates/ext/timezones/. Then add the following configuration in your typoscript template:

plugin.tx_timezones.view {
   templateRootPaths {
      10 = fileadmin/templates/ext/timezones/
   partialRootPaths {
      10 = fileadmin/templates/ext/timezones/
   layoutRootPaths {
      10 = fileadmin/templates/ext/timezones/


When numbering the upper entries Do NOT use zero (0)!! This is used by the extension itself. Overiding the original folder might cause unwanted behaviour.


You may want to also override the default CSS style. The extension template includes the file typo3conf/ext/timezones/Resources/Public/Css/timezones.css using the following typoscript:

page {
   includeCSS {
      timezones = EXT:timezones/Resources/Public/Css/timezones.css

Overriding CSS could be done completely placing this snippet in your configuration referencing another CSS file. Specific directives could be also overridden or extended in your own CSS file(s).


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