# Translation API This extension lets you fetch localized labels from TYPO3. It will automatically export labels as JSON from any `locallang.xlf` file, given its extension key. ## Routing Please add following rewrite rules to your `.htaccess`: ``` RewriteRule ^t3api/translation/(.*)$ /index.php?eID=routing&route=translationapi/$1 [QSA,L] ``` or nginx configuration ``` rewrite ^/t3api/translation/(.*)$ /index.php?eID=routing&route=translationapi/$1 last; ``` ## How-To Use as Web Service In order to fetch labels from extension `xyz`, call: ``` /t3api/translation/en/xyz ``` If you want to only return labels whose key is prefixed by, say, "module", then call: ``` /t3api/translation/en/xyz/module ``` This will effectively filter XLIFF keys and keep those starting with "module." (mind the period). You may of course use a longer prefix, such as "module.foo", which would filter keys starting with "module.foo.". ## How-To Use within Fluid This extension is able to export the labels as JSON to be embedded into a HTML snippet: ```
``` ### Options * `?omitPrefix=yes` (default "`no`") will strip the prefix from the key. E.g. with "module" as prefix, key "module.foo.bar" will be returned as "foo.bar" * `?expand=yes` (default "`no`") will "expand" the keys as subarrays: ``` { "module.foo.bar.key1": "value1", "module.foo.bar.key2": "value2", } ``` becomes ``` { "module": { "foo": { "bar": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } } } } ```