.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../Includes.txt .. _administrators_installation_myicons: My Icons ======== :Path: Path to your configuration file for including individual icons. Without beginning slash. Default: typo3conf/ext/tsconf/Resources/Private/myPageTreeIcons.php. Copy this file to the fileadmin directory and adapt it to your needs. Example: fileadmin/mytsconf/myPageTreeIcons.php Your Configuration File ----------------------- #. Copy Resources/Private/myPageTreeIcons.php to fileadmin/mytsconf # cp typo3conf/ext/tsconf/Resources/Private/myPageTreeIcons.php fileadmin/mytsconf #. Copy your icons to fileadmin/mytsconf In the sample below: - fileadmin/mytsconf/my.gif - fileadmin/mytsconf/myOtherIcon.gif #. Adapt the properties to your needs. Be aware, that in the methods below the second parameter should not be longer than ten characters - Proper: myOthIcon <- 9 characters - Not proper: myOtherIcon <- 11 characters Code Snippet (TYPO3 < 8.x only!) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You have to adapt the variables in the code snippet below, which are marked red and bold. :: $myExtIconPath = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath( $_EXTKEY ) . '**../fileadmin/mytsconf/** '; $TCA[ 'pages' ][ 'columns' ][ 'module' ][ 'config' ][ 'items' ][] = array( '**My icon** ', '**myIcon** ', $myExtIconPath . '**my.gif** ' ); $TCA[ 'pages' ][ 'columns' ][ 'module' ][ 'config' ][ 'items' ][] = array( '**My other icon** ', '**myOthIcon** ', $myExtIconPath . '**myOtherIcon.gif** ' ); switch ( true ) { case( $typo3Version < 6000000 ): t3lib_SpriteManager::addTcaTypeIcon( 'pages', 'contains-**myIcon** ', $myExtIconPath . '**my.gif** ' ); t3lib_SpriteManager::addTcaTypeIcon( 'pages', 'contains-**myOthIcon** ', $myExtIconPath . '**myOtherIcon.gif** ' ); break; default: TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Sprite\SpriteManager::addTcaTypeIcon( 'pages', 'contains-**myIcon** ', $myExtIconPath . '**my.gif** ' ); TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Sprite\SpriteManager::addTcaTypeIcon( 'pages', 'contains-**myOthIcon** ', $myExtIconPath . '**myOtherIcon.gif** ' ); break; }