This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.




The method parse() is a preprocessor that handels including and excluding of template parts by condtions.

It doesn't parse the incoming lines to end first, but delegates the parts immediately to parseSub() (a kind of depth-first parsing of the template tree).

The method doSyntaxHighlight() is responsible to generate a syntax highlighted HTML string. It also calls the preprocessor parse() but sets a flag, that disables the coditions, so that all parts are evaluated.

The latter is strange in two aspects. It doesn't make sense to send syntax highlighting through a conditioning preprocessor. It doesn't make sense to parse into an array tree, when one actually want's a HTML string as result.


Inn the method parse() the template is branched into rendered and non-rendered parts based on conditions. The condition evalutation is delegated to a $matchObj that is injected by parameter.

For each condition the method creates a hash and stores it into $this->sections array. This are used by the TemplateService to cache the rendered templates matching combinations of conditions that evaluate to true.

Line numbering

There is a line number offset that sums up the line numbers of previously rendered templates. It is advanced at end of parse().

The line numbers of the current template are tracked by $this->rawP in the main loop of parseSub() and also for the condition sections that evaluate to false in the method nextDivider(). $this->rawP is reset to zero at the beginning of the rendering of the current template in the method parse().

Error handling

method error($errorString, $severity = 2).

This method collects into $this->errors[] = [a, b, c, d] with:

  • a = error message
  • b = severity
  • c = line number
  • d = template line number offset

Collected messages:

  • 'Script is short of XXX braces.'
  • 'An end brace is in excess.'
  • 'On return to [GLOBAL] scope, the script was short of XXX braces.'
  • 'A multiline value section is not ended with a parenthesis!'
  • 'Object Name String, contains invalid character XXX. Must be alphanumeric or one of: "_:-.".'
  • 'Object Name String XXX was not followed by any operator, =<>({'
  • '### ERROR: XXX' (Error to be extract form an error comment created in previous parsing steps like during template includes.)

Syntax highlighting

Highlighted parsing is controlled by the method doSyntaxHighlight().

It sets the flag $this->syntaxHighLight to true and the template string is parsed. The flag activates the additional highlighting functionality during the process of parsing. Finally the method syntaxHighlight_print() is called to format the collected results including the error messages.

Registration of highlighted parts of lines is done during parsing by the method regHighLight() if the above flag is set. The parts are collected into

  • $this->highLightData
  • $this->highLightData_bracelevel

Both arrays count per line, the first one the higlighted sections of the line, the second one the depth of brace nesting.


A breakpoint is a line number in $this->breakPointLN to break the execution of the rendering. The method parseSub() returns with a marker [_BREAK]. This marker stops the further execution of the main loop in parse().


TemplateService is a service that makes use of the parser. A main task of TemplateService is, to cache the rendered template for different combinations of conditions of a page.


The class ExtendedTemplateService contains method for the TS module in TYPO3 backend. It extends TemplateService.