This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

4.0.1 - 2018-12-21

Breaking changes

Set exclude value in flexform fields

All fields of the extbase variant flexform have been improved by defining <exclude>1</exclude>. This makes it possible to limit an editor to specific fields of the plugin.

If editors are allowed to create and edit plugins of tt_address (extbase variant) you must enable the needed fields in the backend usergroup configuration after updating from version 4.0.0.

If only admins are allowed to create and edit plugins, no action is required.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2018-12-21 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#135) (Commit 14ba5da by Georg Ringer)
2018-12-21 [BUGFIX] Show language fields in TCA (Commit f602a24 by Georg Ringer)
2018-12-21 Use correct slack and stackoverflow info in support question issue template (#131) (Commit de03046 by Patrick Lenk)
2018-12-17 [BUGFIX] Use correct namespace for realurl auto conf (Commit 352f2d8 by Georg Ringer)
2018-12-14 [!!!][TASK] Add exclude 1 to flexform fields (Commit 31bd8fa by Georg Ringer)
2018-12-14 [BUGFIX] Use correct image reference in LegacyPlugin (Commit 2ff2f36 by Georg Ringer)
2018-12-14 [BUGFIX] Use MarkerBasedTemplateService (Commit 0a21bb3 by Georg Ringer)
2018-12-14 [BUGFIX] Fix get groups query for address in legacy plugin controller (#126) (Commit 80455cc by GertHammes)

This list has been created by using git log 4.0.0..HEAD –abbrev-commit –pretty=’%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)’ –date=short.