.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _configuration-reference_old: Reference old plugin -------------------- .. warning:: This TypoScript belongs to the deprecated plugin based on `AbstractPlugin`. ====================================== ========== ============================================================= ========================= Property: Data type: Description: Default: ====================================== ========== ============================================================= ========================= templatePath string Defines the path where the templates are located. Put fileadmin/templates/ templates in that folder and they will be listed automatically in the plugin. You can also add a small graphic showing how the address will be displayed. That graphic need to have the same name as the template but must be a gif. This basically works like the template selector from MTB2. -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- defaultTemplateFileName string Defines the default template file. addressgroups_default.htm -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- pidList int A comma separated list of integers representing page ids where to get the address records from -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- recursive int Defines how many levels to search for tt_address records from the given pages in pidList. -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- wrap string wraps the whole output -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- singleSelection string / stdWrap Comma separated list of tt_address record uids, will be overridden with flexform data -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- groupSelection string / stdWrap Comma separated list of tt_address group record uids, will be overridden with flexform data -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- combination int 0 = AND, 1 = OR -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- sortByColumn string Defines by which tt_address column you want to sort, if name an invalid column is given it's set to 'name' Valid columns for sorting: uid, pid, tstamp, name, title, email, phone, mobile, www, address, company, city, zip, country, image, fax, description If set to “singleSelection” and only single records are selected by TypoScript or Flexform, the sorting order of TypoScript selection of Flexform selection is respected. -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- sortOrder string Defines the sorting order, DESC for descending and ASC ASC for ascending. Any other (invalid) value is set to ASC. -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- templates.[TEMPLATE_NAME] wrap wraps a single address -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- templates.[TEMPLATE_NAME] allWrap wraps the whole output of the specific template -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- templates.[TEMPLATE_NAME].[FIELD_NAME] stdWrap The configurations for the different templates goes here. Let's have a look at an example: Let's assume you have three different html templates: \* template_1.htm \* other_template.htm \* different_template.htm TEMPLATENAME is the file name without the extension. Now you can configure each of these templates: **Example:** :: plugin.tx_ttaddress_pi1 { templates.template_1 { email.wrap = E-Mail: |
email.required = 1 ... } templates.other_template { ... } templates.different_template { ... } } each standard tt_address field can be configured with stdWrap properties. Like wrap and required which will probably be the most important and most used ones. Here's the list of default fields you can use inside each template configuration: gender, first_name, middle_name, last_name, title, email, phone, mobile, www, address, building, room, birthday, organization, city, zip, region, country, image, fax, description, mainGroup You can control max width and height of an image with image.file.maxW and image.file.maxH A placeholder image can be defined: :: plugin.tx_ttaddress_pi1.templates.myTemplate.placeholderImage = path/to/placeholder.png (stdWrap enabled, inherits the configuration of the image) An example template can be found in the res folder in the extension. This template also contains a list of all available markers. -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- templates.[TEMPLATE_NAME.][subparts] Each template configuration can have subparts. You can define as many subparts as like, stdWrap properties will apply to them. If you have a subpart configuration templates.other_template { ... subparts { xyz { } abc { } } } you can use these subparts in your HTML template like ... ... Subparts have a special condition property: hasOneOf, with this property you define that an address record must have at least one of the defined name fields before the whole subpart is shown: subparts.abc.hasOneOf = city, zip, country ====================================== ========== ============================================================= ========================= [tsref:plugin.tx_ttaddress_pi1]