This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

EXT: ttnews glossary

Author:Kasper Skårhøj
Description:The keywords help with categorizing and tagging of the manuals. You can combine two or more keywords and add additional keywords yourself. Please use at least one keyword from both lists. If your manual is NOT in english, see next tab "language" ---- forEditors (use this for editors / german "Redakteure") forAdmins (use this for Administrators) forDevelopers (use this for Developers) forBeginners (manuals covering TYPO3 basics) forIntermediates (manuals going into more depth) forAdvanced (covering the most advanced TYPO3 topics) see more: ----
Keywords:forAdmins, forBeginners
Author:Sven Burkert
Info 4:

img-1 img-2 EXT: ttnews glossary - ttnews_glossary

EXT: ttnews glossary

Extension Key: ttnews_glossary

Language: en

Keywords: forAdmins, forBeginners

Copyright 2014, Sven Burkert, <>

This document is published under the Open Content License

available from

The content of this document is related to TYPO3

- a GNU/GPL CMS/Framework available from

Table of Contents

EXT: ttnews glossary 1

`Introduction 3 <#__RefHeading__484_2131359364>`_

What does it do? 3

Screenshots 3

`Configuration 4 <#__RefHeading__490_2131359364>`_

Search in glossary 4

Speaking URL 4

`ChangeLog 5 <#__RefHeading__496_2131359364>`_


What does it do?

Enables the use of tt_news-records as glossary: Provides an ABC-list and more.

You can use all the power which tt_news provides: search, hooks, genericmarkers, categories, related articles, single view, images, ...

For a demo go to


The default layout:


A nicer (german) example:



  • Install the extension in the extension manager.
  • Add the template “News glossary (ttnews_glossary)” in field “Include static (from extensions)” in your ROOT page.
  • Add plugin “tt_news” into a page, choose the new view “GLOSSARY”.
  • If the ABC list isn't shown, check if you have chosen the template from the ttnews_glossary extension directory as tt_news template: EXT:ttnews_glossary/res/tt_news_v3_template.html

Search in glossary

You can enable the search for glossary items, just use the default tt_news search.

Speaking URL

Here's an example for realurl:

Add the following lines of code to your realurl configuration (into array “_DEFAULT” in array “postVarSets”):

'letter'=> array (

array (





See file ChangeLog in extension directory.