This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


General settings


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
default.extLinkIcon string Class for i-tag in link to external site. fa fa-external-link
default.width int Default width if not specified in content element. 300
rowClass string Video row div class attribute. row
colClasses.1 string Video column div class attribute when 1 column selected. col-md-12
colClasses.2 string Video column div class attribute when 2 columns selected. col-md-6
colClasses.3 string Video column div class attribute when 3 columns selected. col-md-4 col-sm-6
colClasses.4 string Video column div class attribute when 4 columns selected. col-md-3 col-sm-6
colClasses.6 string Video column div class attribute when 6 columns selected. col-md-2 col-sm-4
jsFiles.jQueryFitvid string Fitvid jquery script. Remove if already included or not needed. typo3conf/ext/videoce/Resources/Public/Js/jquery.fitvid.js
jsFiles.videoce string Initializes fitvid. Remove if not needed. typo3conf/ext/videoce/Resources/Public/Js/videoce.js
jsIncludeAsFooterFile int Use addJsFooterFile() instead of addJsFooterLibrary to include the files. 0
clickEnlargeATagRel string Click enlarge link tag rel prefix. prettyPhoto

YouTube settings


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
class string Domain model class. Extends Model\ExternalVideo. Laxap\Videoce\Domain\Model\YoutubeVideo
config.pattern string Pattern used to detect video type and for youtube the video id. #^(?:https?://|//)?(?:www.|m.)?(?||/v/|/watch\?v=|/watch\?.+&v=))([\w-]{11})#x string Used for displaying link to youtube website. string Additional params  
config.embed.url string Url used to embed the video //
config.embed.urlParam string Add params to url ?rel=0
config.embed.urlParamPlaylist string Add params to playlist url &playlist=
config.embed.iframeAttrib string iFrame attributes frameborder=”0” allowfullscreen
config.lightbox.enabled int Enable lightbox 1
config.lightbox.url string Url for lightbox.
config.lightbox.urlParam string URL params for lightbox. &width=720&height=400

Vimeo settings


Additional and different settings for vimeo.

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
class string Domain model class. Extends Model\ExternalVideo. Laxap\Videoce\Domain\Model\VimeoVideo
config.pattern string Pattern used to detect vimeo video type #^(?:https?://)?(?:www.)?(? string Used for displaying link to vimeo website.
config.embed.url string Url used to embed the video //
config.embed.urlParam string Add params to url ?portrait=0&byline=0
config.lightbox.url string Url for lightbox.
config.respectAspectRatio string Defines which settings should prevail if the width:height ratio set in a content element does not match the retrieved width:height ratio. height
config.api.url string URL used for api calls.

Dailymotion settings


Additional and different settings for vimeo.

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
class string Domain model class. Extends Model\ExternalVideo. Laxap\Videoce\Domain\Model\DailymotionVideo
config.pattern string Pattern used to detect dailymotion video type #^(?:https?://)?(?:www.)?(? string Used for displaying link to Dailymotion website.
config.embed.url string Url used to embed the video
config.lightbox.url string Url for lightbox.
config.api.url string URL used for api calls.