This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Fluid Templates

There are two categories of Fluid templates:

  • first level
  • second level

You don’t need to touch first level templates. They are templates for running xBlog by its controllers only.

The setup of the content in the frontend is done by second level templates. If you like to adapt frontend output to your needs, templates of the second level empowers you.


You can include your own layout, partials and templates by the Constant Editor. See


├── 1stLevel           <- don't touch this level
│   ├── Layouts
│   ├── Partials
│   └── Templates
├── 2ndLevel
│   ├── Layouts
│   ├── Partials
│   └── Templates
└── FluidStyledContent
    └── Foundation