.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. ================================================== .. DEFINE SOME TEXTROLES .. -------------------------------------------------- .. role:: underline .. role:: typoscript(code) .. role:: ts(typoscript) :class: typoscript .. role:: php(code) TypoScript Reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ plugin.tx\_yag.settings """"""""""""""""""""""" This is the main section of our extension. All non-framework-specific configuration goes here. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: crawler :Data type: array :Description: Settings for the YAG file crawler used for directory import. :Default: - :Property: accessDenied :Data type: array :Description: Holds a controller / action pair, that defines which controller and action is called whenever access is denied for an action. Example: :: accessDenied { controller = Gallery action = list } This will show list action of Gallery controller, whenever access is denied. :Default: - :Property: sysImages :Data type: array :Description: Holds an array of paths for different images used throughout the extension. :Default: - :Property: themes :Data type: array :Description: Holds an array of themes. :Default: - :Property: extlist :Data type: array :Description: Holds settings for pt\_extlist extension. Take a look at the pt\_extlist documentation for further information. :Default: - :Property: importer :Data type: array :Description: Holds settings for import. :Default: - :Property: overwriteFlexForm :Data type: array :Description: Use this to overwrite settings made in flexform For example to force the same theme in all instances of the plugin. :: overwriteFlexForm { contextIdentifier = contextReset = theme = context { selectedPid = selectedGalleryUid = selectedAlbumUid = selectedItemUid = galleryList { itemsPerPage = sorting { field = direction = } } albumList { itemsPerPage = sorting { field = direction = } } itemList { itemsPerPage = sorting { field = direction = } linkMode = linkTargetPageUid = linkTargetPluginMode = filter { random = } } } } :Default: config.tx\_yag.settings.upload.multifile """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Configuration for the multifile uploader .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: file\_size\_limit :Data type: string :Description: Size limit in Mb :Default: 1000 - :Property: file\_upload\_limit :Data type: int :Description: :Default: 1000 - :Property: file\_types :Data type: string :Description: :Default: \*.jpg;\*.jpeg;\*.JPG;\*.JPEG - :Property: button\_image\_url :Data type: string :Description: :Default: EXT:yag/Resources/Public/Icons/XPButtonUploadText\_61x22.png - :Property: available :Data type: Int :Description: :Default: 1 config.tx\_yag.settings.upload.dragNDrop """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: maxFiles :Data type: Int :Description: Size Limit in Mb :Default: 1000 - :Property: maxFileSize :Data type: int :Description: :Default: 1000 - :Property: available :Data type: Int :Description: :Default: 1 config.tx\_yag.settings.importer """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Configuration for importers .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: parseMetaData :Data type: bool :Description: If set to 1, meta data of imported images is parsed and written to itemMeta table. :Default: 1 - :Property: supportedFileTypes :Data type: String :Description: Define the supported file types. :Default: jpg,jpeg,gif,png - :Property: generateTagsFromMetaData :Data type: bool :Description: If set to 1, keywords from meta data are imported as tags in corresponding table. :Default: 1 - :Property: generateResolutions :Data type: csv :Description: Comma-separated list of themes for which resoluotions are created, when image is imported. :Default: backend - :Property: importFileMask :Data type: string :Description: File mask (UNIX file mask like 666) which is used on UNIX systems for imported files. :Default: 660 - :Property: titleFormat :Data type: array :Description: Set the title of the uploaded image autmatically from the images filename or its meta data. Example: titleFormat = TEXT titleFormat.dataWrap = {field:fileName} by {field:author} / {field:artistWebsite} Available fields are: \- origFileName - the original filename of the import file \- fileName - Formated filename (suffix removed) And the fields of the imported meta data: \- author \- copyright \- artistMail \- artistWebsite \- description -cameraModel \- lens \- focalLength \- shutterSpeed \- aperture \- flash \- keywords \- description \- tags :Default: titleFormat = TEXT titleFormat.dataWrap = {field:fileName} - :Property: :Description:Fromat :Data type: array :Description: Example: :Description:Format = TEXT :Description:Format.dataWrap = {field:description} Fields are the same as in titleFormat :Default: :Description:Format = TEXT :Description:Format.dataWrap = {field:description} plugin.tx\_yag.settings.imageProcessor """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: meaningfulTempFilePrefix :Data type: integer :Description: MeaningfulTempFilePrefix specifies the length of the chunk of the original filename which is prefixed to the temp filename :Default: config.meaningfulTempFilePrefix config.tx\_yag.settings.customMetaData """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Custom meta data fields can be defined individually per TYPO3 instance. They can be edit via the backend form and displayed within your frontend theme. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: customMetaData :Data type: array :Description: Define multiple meta data fields for your own purpose. :: customMetaData { people { title = People type = string } } :Default: plugin.tx\_yag.settings.sysImages """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Configuration for all kinds os images used for skinning. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: imageNotFound :Data type: Item file description :Description: Configures a path, title and description for an item. Example: :: sysImages { imageNotFound { sourceUri = typo3conf/ext/yag/Resources/Public/Icons/imageNotFound.jpg title = No image found. :Description: = No image found. } } Mind that the sourceUri of the image must be relative to TYPO3 root. :Default: plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Most of the configuration for YAG can be found in themes. We have a default theme, where you can find all the settings available in YAG. See section 'Themes and Templates' in the Developers' chapter for further information on how to extend themes and write your own themes. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: [your\_theme\_name] :Data type: array :Description: You can define your own themes here. YAG ships with a default theme and a backend theme. :Default: plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" In this section, you can find the settings for the default theme which acts as basis for all other themes. Best practice for developin your own themes is to extend this theme with your own theme like that: :: plugin.tx_yag.themes.[your_theme_name] < plugin.tx_yag.themes.default plugin.tx_yag.themes.[your_theme_name] { # … your theme specific settings } .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: showBreadcrumbs :Data type: bool :Description: If set to 1, breadcrumbs are shown as navigation. :Default: 1 - :Property: resolutionConfigs :Data type: array :Description: Configuration for image resolutions. You can define the resolutions of thumbnails, single images etc. here. :: resolutionConfigs { thumb { width = 150c height = 150c } medium { maxW = 800 maxH = 600 } } In the default theme, thumb for thumbnails and medium for medium sized images in single view are defined and used. For your own template, you can define any kind of resolutions with the name of your choice. A resolution configuration can consist of any parameter that the TYPO3 IMAGE type provides, including image manipulation via GIFBUILDER. :Default: - :Property: gallery :Data type: array :Description: Gallery specific settings of your theme. See section below :Default: - :Property: album :Data type: array :Description: Album specific settings of your gallery. See section below :Default: - :Property: extlist :Data type: array :Description: This section configures pt\_extlist specific settings for YAG. See pt\_extlist documentaiton for further information. :Default: - :Property: itemList :Data type: array :Description: This section configures the list of images shown, when you click on an album. See section below for further information. :Default: - :Property: item :Data type: array :Description: This section configures single view of an item. See section below for further information. :Default: - :Property: includeLibJS :Data type: CSV :Description: Comma-separated list of defined librarys from wich you want to include javascript files. Defined libraries are jQuery, jQueryUi, jQueryShadowBox :Default: - :Property: includeLibCSS :Data type: CSV :Description: Comma-separated list of defined librarys from wich you want to include CSS files. Defined libraries are jQuery, jQueryUi, jQueryShadowBox :Default: - :Property: includeJS :Data type: arary :Description: Define JS files which should be included in the page header. Same schema as in page. :Default: - :Property: includeJS :Data type: array :Description: Define CSS files which should be included in the page header. Same schema as in page. :Default: plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.feed """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: Active :Data type: bool :Description: Activate the feed :Default: 0 - :Property: title :Data type: String :Description: The feeds title :Default: YAG Gallery Feed - :Property: :Description: :Data type: String :Description: The feeds description :Default: :Description: - :Property: Author :Data type: String :Description: The feeds author :Default: The Photographer - :Property: Language :Data type: String :Description: The feed language :Default: de_de plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.galleryList """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Gallery specific settings of your theme. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: columnCount :Data type: int :Description: Number of columns used for rendering gallery overview. :Default: 2 - :Property: GalleryThumbPartial :Data type: String :Description: Pathand filename of the gallery thumb partial. :Default: Gallery/GalleryThumb.html - :Property: pagerIdentifier :Data type: String :Description: Pager Identifier :Default: / delta :Default: :: :Default: - :Property: pagerPartial :Data type: String :Description: Path to Pagerpartial - Pager/Default - Pager/Delta :Default: :: Pager/Default plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.albumList """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Album specific settings of your theme. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: itemsPerPage :Data type: int :Description: Number of albums shown on album list :Default: 12 - :Property: showBreadcrumbs :Data type: bool :Description: If set to 1, breadcrumbs are shown on album page. :Default: 1 - :Property: columnCount :Data type: int :Description: Number of columns used for rendering album list. :Default: 2 - :Property: AlbumThumbPartial :Data type: String :Description: Pathand filename of the album thumb partial. :Default: Album/AlbumThumb.html - :Property: pagerIdentifier :Data type: String :Description: Pager Identifier :Default: / delta :Default: - :Property: pagerPartial :Data type: String :Description: Path to Pagerpartial - Pager/Default - Pager/Delta :Default: Pager/Default plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.extlist """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" pt\_extlist specific settings of your theme. See pt\_extlist documentation for further information. plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.itemList """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Configuration of image list of your theme. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: itemsPerPage :Data type: int :Description: Number of images shown on a single page. :Default: 12 - :Property: columnCount :Data type: int :Description: Number of columns used to render images on image list. :Default: 4 - :Property: showTitle :Data type: bool :Description: If set to 1, album title is shown on overview page. :Default: 1 - :Property: imageThumbPartial :Data type: path :Description: Path to partial used to render an image in image list. This can be Extbase path (relative to EXT:yag/Resources/Private/Partials): :: Image/ImageThumb or common TS resource path to set offer paths: :: EXT:yag/Resources/Private/Partials/Image/ImageThumb.html :Default: Image/ImageThumb - :Property: imageAdminThumbPartial :Data type: path :Description: Not used at the moment. :Default: - :Property: pagerPartial :Data type: path :Description: Path to partial used to render a pager in image list. This can be Extbase path (relative to EXT:yag/Resources/Private/Partials): :: Pager or common TS resource path to set offer paths: :: EXT:yag/Resources/Private/Partials/Pager.html This is especially useful, if you want to add additional parameters to the links generated by the pager, as in the following example: :: {pageNumber} :Default: Pager - :Property: pagerIdentifier :Data type: String :Description: Pager Identifier :Default: / delta :Default: - :Property: pagerPartial :Data type: String :Description: Path to Pagerpartial - Pager/Default - Pager/Delta :Default: Pager/Default - :Property: linkMode :Data type: string :Description: Link mode [show\|link] :Default: show - :Property: linkTargetPageUid :Data type: integer :Description: The page uid of the target page :Default: - :Property: linkTargetPluginMode :Data type: string :Description: The plugin mode on the target page :Default: Album - :Property: Filter.random :Data type: Boolean :Description: Activates the random uid filter :Default: 0 plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.itemList.zipDownload """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: active :Data type: int :Description: Activate / Deactivate the zip download :Default: 0 - :Property: fileNameFormat :Data type: array :Description: Defines the zip file name. Currently available fields are gallery and album: fileNameFormat = TEXT fileNameFormat.dataWrap = {field:album}.zip :Default: {field:album}.zip - :Property: resolution :Data type: String :Description: Name of the resolution in which the images are packed. :Default: original plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.item """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Configuration of image single view of your theme. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: showItemMeta :Data type: bool :Description: If set to 1, metadata of image will be shown in single view. :Default: 1 - :Property: itemMetaPartial :Data type: path :Description: Path to partial used to render image meta data (EXIF etc.). This can be Extbase path (relative to EXT:yag/Resources/Private/Partials): :: Image/ImageMeta or common TS resource path to set offer paths: :: EXT:yag/Resources/Private/Partials/Image/ImageMeta.html :Default: Image/ImageMeta - :Property: showTitle :Data type: bool :Description: Show the item title beneath the image :Default: 1 - :Property: showDescription :Data type: bool :Description: Show the item description beneath the image :Default: 1 - :Property: showPager :Data type: Bool :Description: Show the back / forward pager :Default: 1 - :Property: showItemMeta :Data type: bool :Description: Show Meta information for an item (including title and description) :Default: 1 - :Property: showOriginalDownloadLink :Data type: bool :Description: Show download link to original item :Default: 1 - :Property: pagerPartial :Data type: string :Description: Path to pager partial :Default: Pager/SingleItem - :Property: itemMetaPartial :Data type: string :Description: Path to item meta partial :Default: Image/ImageMeta plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.default.item.interaction """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Configures optional visitor interaction services .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Property: Property: :Data type: Data type: :Description: Description: :Default: Default: - :Property: socialSharePrivacy :Data type: array :Description: Configuration for the social share privacy widget: :Default: - :Property: disqus.path :Data type: string :Description: Path to the partial :Default: Interaction/SocialSharePrivacy - :Property: socialSharePrivacy.show :Data type: bool :Description: Activate the widget :Default: 0 - :Property: socialSharePrivacy.settings :Data type: array :Description: info\_link = http://panzi.github.com/SocialSharePrivacy/ language = en services { buffer.status = false delicious.status = false disqus.status = false mail.status = false flattr.status = false linkedin.status = false pinterest.status = false reddit.status = false stumbleupon.status = false tumblr.status = false xing.status = false facebook.status = true twitter.status = true gplus.status = true } :Default: - :Property: socialSharePrivacy.path :Data type: string :Description: Path to the partial :Default: Interaction/SocialSharePrivacy - :Property: disqus.show :Data type: bool :Description: Activate the widget :Default: 0 - :Property: disqus.settings :Data type: array :Description: disqus\_shortname = YourDisQusName :Default: module.tx\_yag.settings """"""""""""""""""""""" Holds settings for the backend of YAG. The content of this setting is the same as plugin.tx\_yag.settings.