This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Developers manual


This extension provides two hooks that can be used by developers:


This hook comes at the end of the filter's evaluation. It receives a reference to the \Tesseract\Datafilter\Component\DataFilter object. This makes it possible to access (using getFilter()) and modify (using setFilter()) the current values of the filter.

Any class meaning to use this hook must implement the \Tesseract\Datafilter\PostprocessFilterInterface interface.


This hook comes at the end of the empty filter check. It can be used to modify the result of the isFilterEmpty() method. It receives as parameters the current value of the empty filter check (a boolean) and a reference to the calling \Tesseract\Datafilter\Component\DataFilter object. It is expected to return a boolean value (true if the filter can be considered to be empty, false otherwise).

Any class meaning to use this hook must implement the \Tesseract\Datafilter\PostprocessEmptyFilterCheckInterface interface.