This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Developer ManualΒΆ

Target group: Developers

With the plugin the 1CRM portal user can manage its 1CRM data,
but the 1CRM portal user creation with the plugin is not possible.
If you want to create 1CRM portal user entity in your 1CRM system,
place the following code in your application:

// set email for portal user and contact object:
$email = "email of portal user object and contact object";

// create 1CRM portal user object:
$iahUser = t3lib_div::makeInstance ("Tx_V4IahLibrary_Domain_Model_IahUser");
$iahUser->setField ("first_name",  "portal user's name");
$iahUser->setField ("last_name",   "portal user's last name");
$iahUser->setField ("user_name",   "_p_" . $email);
$iahUser->setField ("portal_only", 1);
$iahUser->setField ("status",      "Active");
$password = "portal user's password";
$iahUser->setField ("user_hash",   md5($password));
$iahUserRepository = t3lib_div::makeInstance ("Tx_V4IahLibrary_Domain_Repository_IahUserRepository");
$iahUserRepository->add ($iahUser);

// create 1CRM company object:
$iahAccount = t3lib_div::makeInstance ("Tx_V4IahLibrary_Domain_Model_IahAccount");
$iahAccount->setField ("name",                       "company's name");
$iahAccount->setField ("billing_address_street",     "company's address");
$iahAccount->setField ("billing_address_city",       "company's city");
$iahAccount->setField ("billing_address_postalcode", "company's zip code");
$iahAccountRepository = t3lib_div::makeInstance ("Tx_V4IahLibrary_Domain_Repository_IahAccountRepository");
$iahAccountRepository->add ($iahAccount);

// create 1CM contact object:
$iahContact = t3lib_div::makeInstance ("Tx_V4IahLibrary_Domain_Model_IahContact");
$iahContact->setField ("first_name",                 "contact's first name");
$iahContact->setField ("last_name",                  "contact's last name");
$iahContact->setField ("email1",                     "contact's email");
$iahContact->setField ("phone_work",                 "contact's work phone");
$iahContact->setField ("primary_address_street",     "contact's address");
$iahContact->setField ("primary_address_city",       "contact's city");
$iahContact->setField ("primary_address_postalcode", "contact's zip code");
$iahContact->setField ("portal_name",                "_p_" . $email);
$iahContact->setField ("portal_active",              1);
$iahContact->setField ("primary_account_id",         $iahAccount->getFieldValue ("id"));
$iahContactRepository = t3lib_div::makeInstance ("Tx_V4IahLibrary_Domain_Repository_IahContactRepository");
$iahContactRepository->add ($iahContact);