Basics (Mixins)

Basics are a concept like partials or mixins. They are used to have a pre-defined set of fields that can be reused and have to be defined only once.

There are two different ways of using it.

The first way is to use Basics like layouts for your UI. The Basics are added after the fields of your Content Block. This is useful if you want to have a set of fields that are always available for a Content Block.

List of the standard Basics shipped with Content Blocks:

  • TYPO3/Appearance

  • TYPO3/Links

  • TYPO3/Categories

This is an example on how to add the classic Fluid Styled Content "Appearance" Tab and the additional "Links" palette.

 name: example/basics
     - TYPO3/Appearance
     - TYPO3/Links
     # - ...

You can add as many Basics as you need. Note, that all Basics are simply concatenated onto each other. Be careful, not to create an invalid state by gluing incompatible Basics together.

The second way is to use Basics directly between your custom fields. This can be done by using the identifier and the type Basic.

 name: example/basics
     - TYPO3/Appearance
     - identifier: header
       useExistingField: true
     - identifier: TYPO3/Links
       type: Basic

Define own Basics

You can define your own Basics by placing one or more YAML files into ContentBlocks/Basics. The name of the YAML file can be chosen freely.

Example on how to create a single Basic:

 identifier: Vendor/YourBasic
   - identifier: a_basic_field
     type: Text

The fields part is exactly the same as in Content Blocks. Here you can define a Tab, a Palette or simply a set of fields.

The most practical way to use Basics is to use pre-defined tabs as the global basics option, so they are always added at the end. The field type Basic is used best as a palette. There you can define a set of fields, which you always need e.g. various header fields.


Unlike Content Block names, it is not mandatory to provide a vendor name for your Basic identifier. However, it is recommended to avoid using too generic names to avoid conflicts.