Deprecation: #90348 - PageLayoutView class

See forge#90348


The PageLayoutView class, which is considered internal API, has been marked as deprecated in favor of the new Fluid-based alternative which renders the "page" BE module.


Implementations which depend on PageLayoutView should prepare to use the alternative implementation (by overlaying and overriding Fluid templates of EXT:backend).

Affected Installations

  • Any site which overrides the PageLayoutView class. The overridden class will still be instantiated when rendering previews in BE page module - but no methods will be called on the instance unless they are called by a third party hook subscriber.
  • Any site which depends on PSR-14 events associated with PageLayoutView will only have those events dispatched if the fluidBasedPageModule feature flag is false. Affects :php:`\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\Event\AfterSectionMarkupGeneratedEvent`. Affects \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\Event\BeforeSectionMarkupGeneratedEvent .


Fluid templates can be extended or replaced to render custom header, footer or preview of a given CType, see feature description for feature forge#90348.