Deprecation: #86182 - Protected TaskModuleController

See forge#86182


Class \TYPO3\CMS\Taskcenter\Controller\TaskModuleController no longer inherits \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\BaseScriptClass.

Single task classes should no longer expect to have an instance of the TaskModuleController set as $GLOBALS['SOBE'].

The following properties of class \TYPO3\CMS\Taskcenter\Controller\TaskModuleController changed their visibility from public to protected and should not be called any longer:

  • [not scanned] MCONF
  • [not scanned] id
  • [not scanned] MOD_MENU
  • [not scanned] modMenu_type
  • [not scanned] modMenu_setDefaultList
  • [not scanned] modMenu_dontValidateList
  • [not scanned] content
  • [not scanned] perms_clause
  • [not scanned] CMD
  • [not scanned] extClassConf
  • [not scanned] extObj

The following properties of class \TYPO3\CMS\Taskcenter\Controller\TaskModuleController changed their visibility from public to protected and should not be called any longer:

  • [not scanned] menuConfig
  • [not scanned] mergeExternalItems
  • [not scanned] handleExternalFunctionValue
  • [not scanned] getExternalItemConfig
  • [not scanned] main
  • urlInIframe
  • [not scanned] extObjHeader
  • [not scanned] checkSubExtObj
  • [not scanned] checkExtObj
  • [not scanned] extObjContent
  • [not scanned] getExtObjContent


Calling one of the above methods from an external object will trigger a PHP E_USER_DEPRECATED error.

Affected Installations

Most methods and properties are used internally in the TaskModuleController only. Instances with extensions delivering additional tasks for the taskcenter may be affected.


Single task should no longer rely on having an instance of TaskModuleController set as $GLOBALS['SOBE'], an instance of the object is given as first constructor argument.

Properties and methods that have been set to protected should be calculated internally instead.