Deprecation: #97244 - Direct instantiation of CompositeExpression

See forge#97244


doctrine/dbal deprecated direct instantiation of CompositeExpression in favour of moving forward to an immutable class implementation. Therefore, this has also been deprecated in the Core facade class (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Expression\CompositeExpression), to avoid shifting too far away.


Instantiating directly with new CompositeExpression(...) will trigger a PHP E_USER_DEPRECATED error.

The extension scanner cannot detect direct instantiation of this class.

Affected Installations

In general, instances with extensions that directly instantiate a composite expression with new CompositeExpression(...).

The extension scanner will not find and report direct instantiating.


Instead of directly instantiating a composite expression with the type as the first argument and an array of expressions as the second argument, the new static methods and(...) and or(...) have to be used.


The static replacement methods CompositeExpression::and() and CompositeExpression::or() have already been added in a forward-compatible way in TYPO3 v11. Thus giving extension developers the ability to adopt new methods and still being able to support multiple Core versions without workarounds.

For example, following code:

use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Expression\CompositeExpression;

$compositeExpressionAND = new CompositeExpression(
        // expressions ...

$compositeExpressionOR = new CompositeExpression(
        // expressions ...

should be replaced with:

use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Expression\CompositeExpression;

// Note the spread operator
$compositeExpressionAND = CompositeExpression::and(
        // expressions ...

$compositeExpressionOR = CompositeExpression::or(
        // expressions ...