Feature: #100171 - Introduce TCA type uuid

See forge#100171


In our effort of introducing dedicated TCA types for special use cases, a new TCA field type called uuid has been added to TYPO3 Core. Its main purpose is to simplify the TCA configuration when working with fields, containing a UUID.

The TCA type uuid features the following column configuration:

  • enableCopyToClipboard

  • fieldInformation

  • required: Defaults to true

  • size

  • version


In case enableCopyToClipboard is set to true, which is the default, a button is rendered next to the input field, which allows to copy the UUID to the clipboard of the operating system.


The version option defines the UUID version to be used. Allowed values are 4, 6 or 7. The default is 4. For more information about the different versions, have a look at the corresponding symfony documentation.

The following column configuration can be overwritten by page TSconfig:

  • size

  • enableCopyToClipboard

An example configuration looks like the following:

'identifier' => [
    'label' => 'My record identifier',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'uuid',
        'version' => 6,


It is now possible to use a dedicated TCA type for rendering of a UUID field. Using the new TCA type, corresponding database columns are added automatically.