Deprecation: #100670 - DI-aware FormEngine nodes

See forge#100670


When the FormEngine construct (used when editing records in the backend) has been rewritten back in TYPO3 v7, dependency injection for non-Extbase constructs has not been a thing, yet.

With dependency injection being part of the TYPO3 Core extension since TYPO3 v10, and the Extbase solution being out-phased, it is time to make FormEngine dependency injection aware as well.

This has some impact on classes implementing \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\NodeInterface directly, or indirectly by extending \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\AbstractNode and \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\Element\AbstractFormElement. Custom implementations can use this already, but the full power will only be leveraged with TYPO3 v13.

Similar changes as described below can be done for classes implementing \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\NodeResolverInterface as well, but the impact is much smaller since this construct is used less often in the wild.

Additionally, classes should either implement one of the interfaces directly, or extend an appropriate abstract. They must not extend any of the existing "leaf" classes the core provides, since those will be declared final with TYPO3 v13.


Using dependency injection within FormEngine related classes becomes possible in TYPO3 v12.

Affected installations

Instances with extensions that come with own FormEngine additions may be affected. The extensions scanner is not configured to find affected classes.


Compatibility with TYPO3 v11 and v12

Extensions that strive for both TYPO3 v11 and v12 compatibility should just keep their implementation as is.

Compatibility with TYPO3 v12 and v13

Extensions that strive for TYPO3 v12 compatibility, skipping v11, that want to support v13 as well, must adapt their implementations.

As main change, NodeInterface no longer declares __construct(), the class constructor is now "free" for injection. The NodeFactory uses the existence of method setData() as indicator if NodeFactory and $data array should be hand over as manual constructor argument (old way), or if setData() should be called after object instantiation. Note setData() will be activated as interface method with TYPO3 v13.

A class with both TYPO3 v12 and v13 compatibility should look like this:

public function __construct(
    // If the class creates sub elements
    NodeFactory $nodeFactory,
    // If the class needs IconFactory
    IconFactory $iconFactory,
    // Further dependencies
    private readonly MyService $myService,
) {
    $this->nodeFactory = $nodeFactory;
    $this->iconFactory = $iconFactory;

public function setData(array $data): void
    $this->data = $data;

public function render(): array
    // Implement render(), note the "array" return type hint,
    // which will be mandatory in TYPO3 v13.

The class has to be registered for public DI in Services.yaml as well, since it is instantiated by NodeFactory using GeneralUtility::makeInstance():

  public: true

Compatibility with v13

Extensions dropping TYPO3 v12 compatibility and going with v13 and up, can simplify the construct: In v13, setData() will be added to AbstractNode, extending classes don't need to implement it anymore. The two class properties $nodeFactory and $iconFactory (AbstractFormElement only) will be removed from the abstracts, constructor property promotion can be used for them. Also, a dependency injection service provider pass will be added, to automatically set classes public that implement implement NodeInterface, so a public: true entry in Services.yaml can be skipped.

A typical class extending AbstractNode looks like this:

public function __construct(
    private readonly NodeFactory $nodeFactory,
    private readonly IconFactory $iconFactory,
    private readonly MyService $myService,
) {

// Implement render().