Deprecation: #99739 - Indexed array keys for TCA items

See forge#99739


Using indexed array keys for the items configuration of TCA types select, radio and check is now deprecated.


Using indexed array keys for the items configuration array items of TCA types select, radio and check will trigger a deprecation level log entry. A TCA migration is in place.

Affected installations

All installations having custom extensions that make use of TCA types select, radio or check and define at least one entry in the items array.


The items array handed over to custom itemsProcFunc functions contains the new object type TYPO3\CMS\Core\Schema\Struct\SelectionItem which acts as a compatibility layer for old style indexed keys. Accessing, writing and reading items still work in the old way. Added items will be automatically converted. For third-party extensions supporting both TYPO3 v11 (or lower) and v12 it is recommended to keep using indexed keys.


To migrate your TCA, change all indexed keys according to the following mapping table:

Before After
0 label
1 value
2 icon
3 group
4 description


// Before
'select' => [
    'label' => 'My select field',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'select',
        'renderType' => 'selectSingle',
        'items' => [
                'Selection 1',
                0 => 'Selection 2',
                1 => '2',

// After
'select' => [
    'label' => 'My select field',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'select',
        'renderType' => 'selectSingle',
        'items' => [
                'label' => 'Selection 1',
                'value' => '1',
                'icon' => 'my-icon-identifier',
                'group' => 'default',
                'label' => 'Selection 2',
                'value' => '2',

// Before
'select_checkbox' => [
    'label' => 'My select checkbox field',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'select',
        'renderType' => 'selectCheckBox',
        'items' => [
                'My select checkbox field',
                'My custom description',
                0 => 'My select checkbox field',
                1 => 'value' => '2',

// After
'select_checkbox' => [
    'label' => 'My select checkbox field',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'select',
        'renderType' => 'selectCheckBox',
        'items' => [
                'label' => 'My select checkbox field',
                'value' => '1',
                'icon' => 'my-icon-identifier',
                'group' => 'default',
                'description' => 'My custom description',
                'label' => 'My select checkbox field',
                'value' => '2',

// Before
'radio' => [
    'label => 'My radio field',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'radio',
        'items' => [
                'Radio 1',
                0 => 'Radio 2',
                1 => '2',

// After
'radio' => [
    'label => 'My radio field',
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'radio',
        'items' => [
                'label' => 'Radio 1',
                'value' => '1',
                'label' => 'Radio 2',
                'value' => '2',

// Before
'check' => [
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'check',
        'items' => [
            ['Click on me'],

// After
'check' => [
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'check',
        'items' => [
            ['label' => 'Click on me'],

// Before
'check' => [
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'check',
        'items' => [
                'invertStateDisplay' => true,
                0 => 'Click on me',

// After
'check' => [
    'config' => [
        'type' => 'check',
        'items' => [
                'invertStateDisplay' => true,
                'label' => 'Click on me',


    <label>select_single_1 description</label>
    <description>field description</description>
            <numIndex index="0">
                <numIndex index="0">foo1</numIndex>
                <numIndex index="1">foo1</numIndex>
            <numIndex index="1">
                <numIndex index="0">foo2</numIndex>
                <numIndex index="1">foo2</numIndex>


    <label>select_single_1 description</label>
    <description>field description</description>
            <numIndex index="0">
            <numIndex index="1">