Breaking: #102985 - Declare Indexed Search as Content Type

See forge#102985


The plugin configuration of the "Indexed Search" plugin has been changed. The plugin is now configured as a proper "content element" using the CType plugin type. This allows to further shrink down the CType=list and list_type=<plugin_name> combination, like it has already been done with other plugins, e.g. the "Frontend Login" plugin.


The "Indexed Search" plugin is now configured as a content element, using CType=indexedsearch_pi2 instead of the CType=list and list_type=indexedsearch_pi2 combination.

An upgrade wizard is in place, migrating existing content elements as well as corresponding backend user group permissions.

Affected installations

All installations with extensions, relying on the "Indexed Search" plugin using the CType=list and list_type=indexedsearch_pi2 combination. This might be done in custom database queries, frontend data providers or in TSconfig. Also in cases where the corresponding backend user group permissions (be_groups.explicit_allowdeny) are manually evaluated.


Execute the Migrate "Indexed Search" plugins to content elements. upgrade wizard to automatically migrate existing records. Make sure to have the Migrate backend groups "explicit_allowdeny" field to simplified format. upgrade wizard executed beforehand.

Additionally, adjust any place relying on the plugin using the CType=list and list_type=indexedsearch_pi2 combination.

Example SQL migrations:

-- Before
SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE CType = 'list' AND list_type = 'indexedsearch_pi2';

-- After
SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE CType = 'indexedsearch_pi2';
-- Before
SELECT * FROM be_groups WHERE explicit_allowdeny LIKE '%tt_content:list_type:indexedsearch_pi2%';

-- After
SELECT * FROM be_groups WHERE explicit_allowdeny LIKE '%tt_content:CType:indexedsearch_pi2%';