Feature: #67663 - Introduce DataProcessor for media galleries

See forge#67663


The logic for working with galleries and calculating the maximum asset size is done in a separate GalleryProcessor. The GalleryProcessor uses the files already present in the processedData array for his calculations. The FilesProcessor can be used to fetch the files.

tt_content.textmedia.20 = FLUIDTEMPLATE
tt_content.textmedia.20 {
	file = EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates/ContentObjects/Image.html

	dataProcessing {

		# Process files
		10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor

		# Calculate gallery info
		20 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\GalleryProcessor
		20 {

			# filesProcessedDataKey :: Key in processedData array that holds the files (default: files) + stdWrap
			filesProcessedDataKey = files

			# mediaOrientation :: Media orientation, see: TCA[tt_content][column][imageorient] (default: data.imageorient) + stdWrap
			mediaOrientation.field = imageorient

			# numberOfColumns :: Number of columns (default: data.imagecols) + stdWrap
			numberOfColumns.field = imagecols

			# equalMediaHeight :: Equal media height in pixels (default: data.imageheight) + stdWrap
			equalMediaHeight.field = imageheight

			# equalMediaWidth :: Equal media width in pixels (default: data.imagewidth) + stdWrap
			equalMediaWidth.field = imagewidth

			# maxGalleryWidth :: Max gallery width in pixels (default: 600) + stdWrap
			maxGalleryWidth = 1000

			# maxGalleryWidthInText :: Max gallery width in pixels when orientation intext (default: 300) + stdWrap
			maxGalleryWidthInText = 1000

			# columnSpacing :: Column spacing width in pixels (default: 0) + stdWrap
			columnSpacing = 0

			# borderEnabled :: Border enabled (default: data.imageborder) + stdWrap
			borderEnabled.field = imageborder

			# borderWidth :: Border width in pixels (default: 0) + stdWrap
			borderWidth = 0

			# borderPadding :: Border padding in pixels  (default: 0) + stdWrap
			borderPadding = 10

			# as :: Name of key in processedData array where result is placed (default: gallery) + stdWrap
			as = gallery