Breaking: #79622 - CSS Styled Content table content element adjustments

See forge#79622


In order to streamline the options and enhance compatibility across CSS Styled Content and Fluid Styled Content the table content element has been partly refactored. All previous flexform configuration has been migrated to database fields, shared across both content rendering definitions.

Element options removed:

  • Table Summary
  • No CSS styles for this table

Element options changed:

  • Additional CSS Class

Rendering changes:

  • Additional CSS classes for tr, th, td have been dropped

TypoScript options removed:

  • color
  • tableParams_0
  • tableParams_1
  • tableParams_2
  • tableParams_3
  • border
  • cellpadding
  • cellspacing

Table Summary

The <table> summary attribute is not supported in HTML5 and has been dropped. No migration path available.

No CSS styles for table

The default CSS styling for CSS Styled Content is now optional. If no styling is required, simply do not include the optional static template or override the styling with CSS.

Additional CSS Class

The process of adding additional CSS classes for tables has been changed. To ease the work of the editor the CSS class field is no longer a simple input field. Adding CSS classes are now handled by predefined CSS classes that can be adjusted by the integrator. Classes will be prefixed with "contenttable-".

TCEFORM.tt_content.table_class {
   removeItems = striped,bordered
   addItems {
      hover = LLL:my_extension/Resources/Private/language.xlf:hover
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['table_class']['config']['items'][] = [
   0 = LLL:my_extension/Resources/Private/language.xlf:hover
   1 = hover

Rendering changes and removed TypoScript options

Style specific options have been removed and are no longer available. This includes the following options for table rendering: color, tableParams_0, tableParams_1, tableParams_2, tableParams_3, border, cellpadding and cellspacing. Also additional CSS classes for tr, th and td are no longer available.

Affected Installations

Installations that use the CSS Styled Content element table.


Run the upgrade wizard in the install tool to migrate all fields previously stored in flexforms to dedicated fields in the database.

Table summary

The <table> summary attribute is not supported in HTML5 and has been dropped. No migration path available.

No CSS styles for this table

Remove the optional "CSS Styled Content Styling" static template.

Additional CSS classes

Additional CSS Classes must be registered as items for the field table_class.

Rendering changes and removed TypoScript Options

Use CSS styling to restore the look of your tables.