Deprecation: #83904 - Array handling in AbstractTreeView

See forge#83904


Handling arrays instead of database relations in class TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tree\View\AbstractTreeView has been marked as deprecated.


Calling the following methods will throw deprecation warnings and will be removed with core version 10:

  • [scanned] AbstractTreeView->setDataFromArray
  • [scanned] AbstractTreeView->setDataFromTreeArray

The following class properties should not be used any longer and will be removed with core version 10:

  • [not scanned] AbstractTreeView->data
  • [scanned] AbstractTreeView->dataLookup
  • [scanned] AbstractTreeView->subLevelID

Affected Installations

This feature was rarely used, it is pretty unlikely an instance is affected by a consuming extension. The extension scanner will report most use cases.


No migration available.