Feature: #82511 - EXT:form add HTML5 date form element

See forge#82511


Date form element

The form framework contains a new form element called Date which is technically an HTML5 'date' form element.

The following snippet shows a comprehensive example on how to use the new element within the form definition including the new DateRange validator:

type: Date
identifier: date-1
label: Date
defaultValue: '2018-03-02'
  # default if not defined: 'd.m.Y' (https://php.net/manual/de/datetime.createfromformat.php#refsect1-datetime.createfromformat-parameters)
  displayFormat: 'd.m.Y'
    min: '2018-03-01'
    max: '2018-03-30'
    step: '1'
    identifier: DateRange
      minimum: '2018-03-01'
      maximum: '2018-03-30'

The properties defaultValue, properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.min, properties.fluidAdditionalAttributes.max and the DateRange validator options minimum and maximum must have the format 'Y-m-d' which represents the RFC 3339 'full-date' format.

Read more: https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html-markup-20110405/input.date.html

The DateRange validator is the server side validation equivalent to the client side validation through the min and max HTML attribute and should always be used in combination. If the DateRange validator is added to the form element within the form editor, the min and max HTML attributes are added automatically.

The property properties.displayFormat defines the display format of the submitted value within the summary step, email finishers etc. but not for the form element value itself. The display format of the form element value depends on the browser settings and can not be defined!

Read more: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date#Value

Browsers which do not support the HTML5 date element gracefully degrade to a text input. The HTML5 date element always normalizes the value to the format Y-m-d (RFC 3339 'full-date'). With a text input, by default the browser has no recognition of which format the date should be in. A workaround could be to put a pattern attribute on the date input. Even though the date input does not use it, the text input fallback will. By default, the HTML attribute 'pattern="([0-9]{4})-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])"' is rendered on the date form element. Note that this basic regular expression does not support leap years and does not check for the correct number of days in a month. But as a start, this should be sufficient. The same pattern is used by the form editor to validate the properties defaultValue and the DateRange validator options minimum and maximum.

Read more: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date#Handling_browser_support

DateRange server side validation

A new validator called DateRange is available. The input must be a DateTime object. This input can be tested against a minimum date and a maximum date. The minimum date and the maximum date are strings. The minimum date and the maximum date can be configured through the validator options.

    identifier: DateRange
      # The PHP \DateTime object format of the `minimum` and `maximum` option
      # @see https://php.net/manual/de/datetime.createfromformat.php#refsect1-datetime.createfromformat-parameters
      # 'Y-m-d' is the default value of this validator and must have this value
      # if you use this validator in combination with the `Date` form element.
      # This is because the HTML5 date value is always a RFC 3339 'full-date' format (Y-m-d)
      # @see https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html-markup-20110405/input.date.html#input.date.attrs.value
      format : 'Y-m-d'
      minimum: '2018-03-01'
      maximum: '2018-03-30'


It is now possible to add an HTML5 date form element including corresponding HTML attributes and validators.