
In this section some common situations are described.

Send visitors to login page and redirect to original page

A common situation is that visitors who go to a page with access restrictions should go to a login page first and after logging in should be send back to the page they originally requested.

Assume we have a login page with id 2.

Using TypoScript we can still display links to access restricted pages and send visitors to the login page:

config {
        typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages = 2
        typolinkLinkAccessRestrictedPages_addParams = &return_url=###RETURN_URL###

On the login page the login form must be configured to redirect to the original page:

plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.redirectMode = getpost

(This option can also be set in the flexform configuration of the felogin content element)

If visitors will directly enter the URL of an access restricted page they will be sent to the first page in the rootline to which they have access. Sending those direct visits to a login page is not a job of the felogin plugin, but requires a custom page-not-found handler.

Access restrictions on the felogin plugin

A very common issue is that the felogin plugin is set to Access: Hide at login. After the core has processed the login request the page will be rendered without the felogin plugin. If there are redirect options active they will NOT be executed, simply because the felogin plugin is hidden.

One solution is to insert felogin with TypoScript in the page. The redirect options must be set in the TypoScript configuration. Any output of this plugin can be hidden with CSS. Redirect options will be executed by this invisible felogin. If there are two instances of felogin present on a page (one as a content element, the other via TypoScript) this can easily lead to problems, just as with any pi_base plugin.

Of course setting the felogin plugin to Hide at login and having redirect options together doesn’t really makes sense if a redirect will happen in all cases.