The content elements

This chapter will describe the basic set of content elements provided by the TYPO3 CMS core. It will show you a description, screenshots of the backend fields and a screenshot of the frontend rendering, only styled with the basic styling provided by the static template “Content Elements CSS (optional) (fluid_styled_content)” described in chapter Using the rendering definitions.

The screenshots of the fields are made with the extension configuration option “Show only a minimum set of editing fields” SET TO OFF as described in chapter Configuration.

General fields

These are fields which are used by (almost) every content element.

Show in section menu’s

Using this option will only be visible when using menu’s based on sections. This will be described in the chapter Menus.

This field can be found in the Appearance tab.

Backend display of the field to show the content element in section menu's

The field “Show In Section Menu’s”


Backend display of the Access tab

The Access tab with all its fields

These fields define if and when a visitor has access to this content element. The access fields all reside in the Access tab:

Visibility of content element
By checking this option the content element will not be visible to any visitor.
Publish Date
The date on which the content has to be published, which means making visible at a certain date.
Expiration Date
The date on which the content will be expired, which means the content will be hidden on a certain date
Usergroup Access Rights
Here you can select whether the content element only is available to a certain frontend user group, if it has to be visible only when the visitor is logged in or if it has to be hidden at a login.