For editors

Target group: Editors

When a record in TYPO3 is deleted via the backend, it is marked for deletion in the database and not visible anymore in the backend or displayed on the website. Deleted records can be restored via the Recycler backend module.

To use the backend module navigate to the Web > Recycler module:

Recycler backend module

Recycler backend module

The records displayed depends on which page is selected in the page tree.

Filter records

The records can be filtered:

Available filter of the Recycler module

Available filter of the Recycler module

  • Enter a search term in the search box if you are looking for a specific record.
  • Select the depth (number of levels from the selected page).
  • Select the type of record you are searching for.

Details of a record

To view more details, click on the i button ("Expand record"):

More details of a record

More details of a record

The following details are displayed:

  • Date when the record was created.
  • The user who originally created this record (creator).
  • The user who deleted this record.
  • The path to the record in the page tree.

Recovery of records

If you want to recover one or more records, select the relevant records by checking the checkbox in the first column. A new button Recover x records is displayed. Clicking on it "undeletes" the records and they are available again in the Page or List view.

Delete records permanently

Records can be deleted permanently when user permission is granted. Select the relevant records by checking the checkbox in the first column. A new button Delete x records is displayed that when you click on it removes the records permanently from the database.