Configuration Reference
YAML Configuration Reference
When configuring the CKEditor using YAML, these are the property names that are currently used:
Configuring transformations kicks in the RteHtmlParser API of TYPO3, to only allow certain HTML tags and attributes when saving the database or leaving the database to the RTE. However, defining transformations towards RTE is not really necessary anymore. Defining more strict processing options when storing content in the database also needs to be ensured that CKEditor allows this functionality too.
This configuration option was previously built within RTE.
and can
still be overridden via Page TSconfig. Everything defined via “processing”
is available in RTE.proc and triggers RteHtmlParser options.
Editor contains all RTE-specific options. All CKEditor-specific options, which one could imagine are available under “config” property and handed over to CKEditor’s instance-specific config array.
All other sub-properties are usually handled via TYPO3 and then injected in the
CKEditor instance at runtime. This is useful for registering extra plugins, like
the TYPO3 core does with a custom typo3-
plugin, or adding
third-party plugins like handling images.
- editor.config
Configuration options For a list of all options see
Some configuration options from the official CKEditor 5 documentation do not apply to TYPO3, since they are related to specific plugins (for example: CKBox, CloudServices) which are not bundled in TYPO3's CKEditor build.
- editor.config.language
defines the editor’s UI language, and is dynamically calculated (if not set otherwise) by the backend users’ preference.
- editor.config.contentsLanguage
defines the language of the data, which is fetched from the sys_language information, but can be overridden by this option as well. For referencing files, TYPO3's internal "EXT:" syntax can be used, for using language labels, TYPO3's "LLL:" language functionality can be used.
- editor.config.contentsCss
defines the location of one or multiple CSS file(s) of the editor, containing the style definitions that will be applied to the backend editor RTE element.
Example with single file:
MyCKPreset.yamleditor.config.contentsCss: - "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Resources/Public/Css/contents.css"
Copied!This is the default, as defined in EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml (GitHub).
Example with multiple files:
MyCKPreset.yamleditor.config.contentsCss: - "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Resources/Public/Css/contents.css" - "EXT:my_sitepackage/Resources/Public/Css/contents.css?v=2"
Copied!Since the CKEditor element is rendered within the page content of the TYPO3 backend (and not in an iframe or web-component), all CSS declarations in that file must refer to an actual element hierarchy ending like
. To achieve this, TYPO3 automatically parses the contents of the CSS file with a process called "auto-prefixing" (via JavaScript, client-side) and converts all references to that "virtual" root hierarchy.tt_ content__ 2687__ bodytext_ ckeditor5 . ck- content A CSS declaration like
gets turned into{ background- color: green } #data_
.tt_ content__ 2687__ bodytext_ ckeditor5 . ck- content { background- color: green; } You can use a
declaration, for example to reset relative/absolute sizes to ensure the CKEditor area being compatible to your usual frontend CSS. Also using{ ... } body
is viable.{...} Note
Referenced CSS stylesheets need to be downloadable via
in order for the JavaScript-based prefixing to work.() Note
Also note that the generated CSS file is cached by your browser. If you change the contents of your CSS file, be sure to either reload the browser cache, or use a directive like
where you change theconfig. contents Css: "EXT: my_ sitepackage/ Resources/ Public/ Css/ contents. css?v=2" ?v=
URI string after any file modification to enforce requesting an updated version of the file.
- editor.config.heading
Defines headings available in the heading dropdown.
MyCKPreset.yamlheading: options: - { model: 'heading2', view: 'h2', title: 'Heading 2' } - { model: 'heading3', view: 'h3', title: 'Heading 3' } - { model: 'heading4', view: 'h4', title: 'Heading 4' }
Copied!It is also possible to set a class for a heading by default (for example,
<h2 class="h2">
):MyCKPreset.yamlheading: options: - { model: 'heading2', view: { name: 'h2', classes: 'h2' }, title: 'Heading 2' } - { model: 'heading3', view: { name: 'h3', classes: 'h3' }, title: 'Heading 3' } - { model: 'heading4', view: { name: 'h4', classes: 'h4' }, title: 'Heading 4' }
Copied!To be able to reset a heading to a paragraph, add also the
option:MyCKPreset.yamlheading: options: - { model: 'paragraph', title: 'Paragraph' } - { model: 'heading2', view 'h2', title: 'Heading 2' } # ...
Copied!A title can also be localized with
Defines styles available in the style dropdown.
MyCKPreset.yamlstyle: definitions: - { name: "Lead", element: "p", classes: ['lead'] } - { name: "Multiple", element: "p", classes: ['first', 'second'] }
- editor.config.importModules
Imports custom CKEditor plugins. See EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Plugins.yaml (GitHub) or How do I create a custom plugin? for examples.
Link Browser specific options
There are more configuration options that can be defined in the YAML file of an RTE preset related to the Link Browser, when managing hyperlinks inside the CKEditor.
Note that the Link Browser can also be displayed based on FormEngine TCA definitions. These use similar configuration, but from their TCA PHP configuration, and unrelated to the YAML definition.
The additional example file EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/LinkBrowser.yaml (GitHub) lists all of the following options as an example.
These options are a bit fragmented, it is important to watch for the proper indentation as well the proper option relation.
Please note that these options are set at the topmost level, and not nested inside
the editor
YAML structure.
A short overview:
- allowed list of additional attribute boxesOptions allowed
- list of allowed Link Types inside the RTETypes classes
- list of default CSS and link target values per Link TypeAnchor buttons
- Additional sub-configuration array for specific dropdownsbuttons.
- Global options for the Link Browserlink. options buttons.
- Configuration for thelink. rel Attribute rel
attribute blockbuttons.
- Configuration for thelink. query Parameters Selector query
(URI arguments) attribute blockParameter buttons.
- Configuration for thelink. target Selector target
attribute blockbuttons.
- Allowed additional CSS classes in thelink. properties. class. allowed Classes CSS
attribute blockbuttons.
- Default CSS class per Link Typelink. [Link Type]. properties. class. default classes
- Label definitions for CSS class names
This string contains a comma separated list of additional attributes used in the Link Browser.
Available field lists can be found in EXT:backend/Classes/Controller/AbstractLinkBrowserController.php (GitHub),
method get
Note that the attributes target
, class
and rel
are displayed differently depending on
whether the Link Browser was opened for a TCA element, or a RTE element. See
EXT:rte_ckeditor/Classes/Controller/BrowseLinksController.php (GitHub) in method
Valid attributes keys are:
- target
If set, an input box for link target (for example "_blank") is available.
- title
If set, entering the link title is available.
- class
If set, allowing to enter a CSS class name for the link is available. This needs to match the CSS classes made available to the CKEDitor instance.
- params
If set, additional parameters are allowed to be set for a link.
- rel
If set, relations (
attribute) for links can be set.
To set all of them, you can use:
allowedOptions: 'target,title,class,params,rel'
To remove all options you can use an empty string:
allowedOptions: ''
This string contains a comma-separated list of all allowed Link Types for the Link Browser. These are currently:
any custom Link Type
allowedTypes: 'page,url,file,folder,email,customType'
To remove all types you can use an empty string:
allowedTypes: ''
This is a sub-array of default CSS classes and target attributes, per Link Type:
- { class: "customPageCssClass", type: "page", target: "" }
- { class: "customUrlCssClass", type: "url", target: "_blank" }
- { class: "customFileCssClass", type: "file", target: "_parent" }
- { class: "customFolderCssClass", type: "folder" }
- { class: "customTelephoneCssClass", type: "telephone" }
- { class: "customEmailCssClass", type: "email" }
Note that the available CSS class here must also be part of the
This structure defines both global options as well as Link Type-specific options:
Can be set to exclude certain Link Types:
removeItems: 'telephone'
If the allowed
string list contains rel
for setting relation
attributes, this option must also be enabled:
enabled: true
If the allowed
string list contains params
for setting URI argument
attributes, this option must also be enabled:
enabled: true
If the allowed
string list contains target
, a dropdown is displayed by
default. If you want to hide it, you must set this option to true
disabled: true
A CSS class selection can be forced, so that it may not be empty:
required: true
This is the most vital CSS class selection list, based on a comma-separated string naming all CSS classes that are allowed. Default CSS classes per Link Type can only be selected, if they are part of this list.
The names of the CSS classes can be adjusted via the classes
top-level configuration
hierarchy (see below)
allowedClasses: 'globalCss1,globalCss1,CustomPageCssClass'[linkType].properties.class.default
For each Link Type, a default CSS class can be defined, using the name of the Link Type as a key:
default: "customTelephoneCssClass"
default: "customEmailCssClass"
Note that the CSS class listed here must also be contained in
The list of CSS classes defined in buttons.
can set a custom label as well as a styling the select option. Note that styling
select options does not work in every browser, and is not suggested to use.
The name of the structure key must match the CSS class name, with a sub-structure
defining name
(the actual label) and value
(the possible CSS styling of the option
inside the dropdown):
name: "A Label for globalCss1"
value: "color: red"
name: "An email-specific class for VIPs"
Page TSconfig
We recommend you to put all configurations for the preset in the YAML configuration. However, it is still possible to override these settings through the page TSconfig.
You can find a list of configuration properties in the Page TSconfig reference, chapter RTE.