TYPO3 Exception 1225709597

The template files "", "" could not be loaded.

The requested Fluid template (or Partial file linked from within a Template file) is missing. Verify the configured file path/s and any linked Partials, and check the (case-sensitive) filename/s.

In case the following error occurs

Oops, an error occurred!

The template files "", "" could not be loaded.

More information regarding this error might be available online.

make sure you are using a slash but not a backslash.

TYPO3CMS >= 6.2

Make sure paths to partials DO NOT start with a slash.

  • Working (with ./typo3conf/ext/extension_with_super_cow_powers/Resources/Private/Partials/Product/TabWithGal.html present)
<f:render partial="Product/TabWithGal" arguments="{tab: tab}"/>
  • Not Working (but worked in 6.1.x)
<f:render partial="/Product/TabWithGal" arguments="{tab: tab}"/>